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So after a HUGE clean out of my clothes and everything else stored in my wardrobe it has become obvious that I need more shelves\drawers. My twin dogs need a space to hang all there stuff, they have more clothing that I do. The wardrobe is a standard built in with a large hanging space and shelves on the far right. I have used one of those small metal shelving units within the hanging space to try and stop things piling up.
So in the meantime Bunnings have had numerous discontinued or clearance items for the wardrobe that I have purchased. They are all Different brands so nothing matches up exactly. I am a beginner at all of this DIY stuff but I did patch, sand and wallpaper a wall of my bedroom and I’ve been fixing bits and pieces around the house so I’m up for a challenge.
These are the products I’ve purchased from Bunnings and their quantities.
Box 2 of 2 only. Says Shelves & drawers but unsure exactly what is inside
3 of these
1 of these but looks like a possible error on the measurements
3 of these
2 of these
4 of these
4 of these
5 of these
7 of these
I am prepared to remove the existing inside framework. Any advice you can offer me, I’m kind of stuck on where I should start.
Hello @oneteaspoon
Thanks for sharing your question about your wardrobe. I propose measuring the space inside your wardrobe so that you'll have an idea of what will fit inside. Next, I suggest having a look at the sets that are complete or will stand alone on its own and what space they will occupy.
For example, the 2x4 Flexi Storage set has a space measurement of 760W x 1460H x 390D. So, it's immediately apparent that it will take up a flooring space of 760W x 390D. You'll need to deduct this from the wardrobe space that you have and you can figure out how much space is left.
You have Flexi Storage runner frames and the cross bars to assemble them, but I did not see any wire baskets for you to use. I suggest assembling these to see if you have enough cross bars to make the 5 runner frame work.
The Flexi drawer unit with glass fronts are meant to go with a particular Flexi wardrobe cabinet. It might be possible to install these with the Practa set but you'll need to assemble them and find out if the sizes are correct.
My best suggestion is to carefully open the packaging of the large cabinet sets and see if you have all the parts necessary to assemble them especially the Practa and 2x4 Flexi Storage. In case you don't have all the parts, you'll be able to put everything back without having to get confused with packaging.
If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.
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