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How to fix the broken sliding door rail?

Cultivating a Following

How to fix the broken sliding door rail?

Hi experts 

do you know how I can change this broken cupboard rail?



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: how to fix the broken cupboard rail

Hi @parisMof,


Many thanks for your question on how to fix a broken cupboard door bottom rail.


It looks like the aluminium fin at the back of the bottom track has come off. Is that correct?


If this is the case, you will likely need to replace the bottom rail of the sliding door, which wouldn't be too difficult as long as we can match it up with the door system. 


If you could do some investigation to see if you can find a model number or a brand, I will be happy to do some further research for you to see if I can find a replacement track for you.


Some common brand names include Cowdroy and Rolltrak. 


If you can find an identifier such as this, I can certainly assist further. 


Let me know how you go.




Cultivating a Following

Re: how to fix the broken cupboard rail


thanks for your reply.unfortunately I don’t know the brand as the house is 11 years old but if you have any ideas where I can find the replacement I appreciate it 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: how to fix the broken cupboard rail

Hi @parisMof,


Wardrobe tracks are usually proprietary systems that only work with their specific hardware, so unfortunately, without a brand or a serial number, I can't point you towards a replacement.


You may need to take the doors off the track, or even unscrew the bottom track to find some kind of serial number or identifier. There may also be an identifier on the wheels of the door that might be able to help narrow things down.


If you still can't find anything after a good search, I can contact our suppliers on Monday when they reopen. Somebody may be able to identify this particular track from your photos. 


In the meantime, would it be possible to get some photos showing the dimensions of the track? This will greatly help us to narrow down the search.


Allow me to tag some of our helpful members to see if they might know what kind of bottom track this is or have a solution for you, @Nailbag, @CSParnell, @DIYGnome, @Noyade, @Dave-1.  


Let me know how you go.




Community Megastar

Re: how to fix the broken sliding door rail

Afternoon @parisMof 

What a pain 😕 I cant see how it was attached from your photos, Is there any chance of a closer up photo or two especially where it joins the original base inside the cupboard? If its that rough silver edge next to the timber flooring on the inside then Id say the whole strip needs to be replaced as the outer rail is a guide 😕 Depending on money you could potentialy install an right angled alumininum strip so the high side is in the same postion as the old black strip and the flat base screwed to the inside floor. Something along one of these types Aluminium Angles Even to the point of glueing the one that is half off against the new side to give the correct spacing. Think L with the highside facing the channel of the door. I dont know if this would hold up for a long time is my main concern.


If not possible Id start searching for "Sliding door Mirror tracks" in facebook land. You will start to see adds soon enough of people getting rid of theres and if you are lucky you could see your strip. (Love facebook algorisims, make them work for us for once!)




Amassing an Audience

Re: how to fix the broken sliding door rail

@parisMof First off I would carefully remove the doors like so in the video,

check none of the rollers have collapsed. 

The remove the track which should be just screwed down with Philips Heads screws.

Take the track to Bunnings into the building section or door section either way find someone that looks of age / knowledge and ask for some advise to see if they can help match. If no match see if they can help identify make / model of the track and then google it to see the local distributer.

Hopefully that helps some.

Re: how to fix the broken sliding door rail

Hi @Dave-1 it looks like the track is okay but it's the guide/buffering track on the extreme outer edge that has come off (see enlargened image below), the piece to the extreme right appears to be a cover (possibly to hold a piece of felt against the door) which fits over the piece next to it which looks to insert into the track in some fashion...


interference fit? 



It looks too uniform to have simple broken/snapped off.


I am not familiar with this type of sliding door track.




Community Megastar

Re: how to fix the broken sliding door rail

Evening @DIYGnome 

Pretty much what I wa sthinking tho will wait to see how it is connected to the rail and if it csan be removed or attached to that angle idea I mentioned.



Re: how to fix the broken sliding door rail

Evening @Dave-1 I note that the slot adjacent the LHS track is occupied on the RHS tack as these should be a mirror image of the other.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: how to fix the broken cupboard rail

Hi @parisMof,


Just following up on my earlier post.

I have spoken with our suppliers to see if they can identify the track that was used. Unfortunately, they were not able to identify yours and consequently couldn't direct me towards a replacement.

Let me know if you have any further questions.



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