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How to create a removable feature wall?

Growing in Experience

How to create a removable feature wall?

I want to create an accent wall but i dont want to paint directly on the wall.


. Is there a barrier i can i can put along the wall and paint in that so that should i wish to remove it in future,  it will be easy to do so?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to create a removable feature wall?

Hi @Kingleviathan,


This sounds like an interesting project.


I can't say I'm aware of a barrier product that can be used for this purpose.


Can I ask for some dimensions of the wall? Also, a few photos would be handy.

Are you able to use screws in the existing wall? 


If so, you could attach timber battens to the existing wall, put plasterboard over the battens, plaster and then paint the wall. Once it comes time to remove the feature wall, you would just need to unscrew everything, patch the screw holes and paint them to match the rest of the wall.


If you aren't able to screw into the existing wall it might be a bit trickier.


Allow me to tag @Dave-1, @Nailbag and @Jewelleryrescue to see if they have any ideas.




Kind of a Big Deal

Re: How to create a removable feature wall?

Hi @Kingleviathan 


As with @JacobZ Im unaware of any product that will pride that as a turnkey solution.


My only suggestion would build a false wall in front of the current one. I used to build temporary structures like this for TV commercial shoots where the set was created within someone’s home that had to be reinstated afterwards





Kind of a Big Deal

Re: How to create a removable feature wall?

Hi @Kingleviathan 



I was  testing a feature wall in my house and was experimenting  with ideas.  I ended up using contact adhesive paper and it the most unusual holographic reflective gold colouring I was thinking of  copper or brass sheeting as a more permanent solution I just  wanted to  try before I buy the  effects/. 

You  might like a  flat non descript paper that  usually is super  cheap which is a bonus as you will be painting over it.  I would suggest try the paper on a small hidden  test area to make sure adhesive will stick then let go  non destructivly,


So you  can use some  great contact adhesive with the  colours you want  or by  a plain color  and  paint  over it,   and my contact adhesives papers has not being destructive to  gyprock painted walls,  But  I cant  vouch  for all contact ashesives peeling of again  non destructivly.   My  contact paper self peels off at times in the corners needs s  quick push  back.


The  last thing is it is almost impossible to get a  bubble free dead flat wall out of contact  paper I tried  every thing but the result as a test area  still pops  so i am happy.


Wall papers in the bargin  bin  are some times self adhesive?  they may peel of safetly too  but please self test  this idea too.   Ask the  paint people  for there input.


Have  fun.



Growing in Experience

Re: How to create a removable feature wall?

Thanks guys. 


Definately done interesting ideas.


I must admit that i am kind of surprised there isn't something on the market. 


For the record i want to paint an accent wall.  Its just that the  new place in moving into, the wall is newly painted and they did a a quality job on it.  Seems a shame to paint over it.  

Re: How to create a removable feature wall?

Morning @Kingleviathan 

Instead of painting the wall or changing it how about using light to change the tone, warmth and even colour of teh wall?

You could either go the route of floor lamps next to the wall, projector style lamps that you will direct against the wall. It depends on teh colours you are thinking of? Do you have a colour you are heading towards that you would like?


I know when I have redone a room with stark white walls and then installed warm lighting along one sid eof the room the room changed 100%. I went with a golden hue and it really worked.



Growing in Experience

Re: How to create a removable feature wall?

Hi @Dave-1,


I love the idea but i dont think it will fit. I want to go with a beachy coastal theme... kind of blue background with white for waves..

Re: How to create a removable feature wall?

Morning @Kingleviathan 

:smile: Mmmmm will think about it some more, Here is a blue bulb that could be used for a directional light (lampstand) not for the whole rooom light but for a corner. Luce Bella A60 B22 LED 90lm Blue 4.5W Globe 


And back to the ideas board :smile:



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