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Help for kitchen renovation projects
Kind of a Big Deal
15 replies

Recently I've been completing some renos on an 80's home getting it ready for sale. I've given the kitchen and bathroom a makeover, installed a new tr ...

Just Starting Out
10 replies

Community Manager Jason
Community Manager
24 replies

Here's the 70s-era kitchen that we inherited when purchasing our house. What would you do with it? Jason

Finding My Feet
15 replies

Hi everyone, just after some advice. I have a 10 yr old house that Im updating. The kitchen has a lime green glass splashback that was in fashion on ...

Amassing an Audience
28 replies

We've been working on our kitchen over the last 6+ months. We managed to get the following done Painting the cabinets, Adding more cabinetry, New appl ...

Kind of a Big Deal
34 replies

Given we were going to do a full kitchen reno but we're instead building a new home, we thought the splashback could at least do with a facelift, esp ...

Having an Impact
16 replies

Hi there, I've recently joined this group, and thought i'd share some details of my first project.. Its a kitchen renovation, and its already underw ...

Cultivating a Following
5 replies

My goal was to create a homely kitchen, not too modern as I dont find modern kitchen homely, but modern appliances, by reusing some existing pantries, ...

Making a Splash
9 replies

Hey all,Just wanted to show you the progress of my kitchen revamp.We used the Dulux Renovation Range.Two-tone kitchen colour. 3 for the painting.We ...

Having an Impact
3 replies

Two years ago my husband and I got the keys to our new home, the next day our friends came over for 'demolition day' and over 6-weeks we renovated our ...

Building a Reputation
17 replies

Hello, I'm new here and not afraid to have a go at some simple tasks, however a bit limited due to physical health. I'm in the process of preparing ...

Building a Reputation
5 replies

Hi everyone, Well a couple of years ago I decided to completely renovate our investment unit in my spare time (after our 'tenants' wrecked it - that's ...

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