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Need help with kitchen layout

I'm needing help in the layout of my kitchen. We are wanting to move the wall where the refrigerator and the pantry is and put an island there. Behind the wall is the lounge and the door to the hallway. Our Kitchen is 3.2 meters wide by 3 meters deep.we want to remove this wall we want to remove this wallmoving the sink & dishwasher to the edge of the window moving the sink & dishwasher to the edge of the windowhoping to move the stove left hoping to move the stove left20191021_122714.jpg sideview of wall we are hoping to remove sideview of wall we are hoping to remove

Re: Need help with kitchen layout

@redracer01    Oh love the look of this kitchen, so lovely and modern, with the use of a table joined to the kitchen keeping everyone close together, just love it.


I like my kitchen layout, just the the folks who had the house prior did everything rough, rough enough was good enough for them.  They didn't do the prep work in the first place which has spoiled most of the work they did here.


After the new year I plan to get into my Kitchen and bathroom, timber slabs.. already looked into the timber, but have too much else to get done first.  On a budget and on my own.  So things take me much longer than my brain wishes things to happen.


One day at a time or so they say.



Re: Need help with kitchen layout

Looks brilliant @redracer01.


Looking forward to seeing what @nzroundz thinks!




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Re: Need help with kitchen layout

This is incredible. Thanks @redracer01 

Re: Need help with kitchen layout

This just amazing @redracer01
I have just picked out timber for my bench tops to start on my kitchen reno in the new year. Have to get my act into gear and complete other jobs before then..

Good luck with you kitchen reno @nzroundz
Would love to see pictures of your progress and what you decide to do.

Old Gal

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