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Need cake building ideas with a hospital theme

Home Improvement Guru

Need cake building ideas with a hospital theme

My wife is entering a Hospital Cake Competition - the theme being the "most important piece of equipment" in a hospital.

She's going for a hospital bed utilising a narrow cake rack. The 'mattress' will be a cake - and a patient may be involved.

I'm looking for ideas on making legs and wheels.

Any thoughts anyone?

Cheers on a rainy Saturday.








Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Cake ideas.

Hi @Noyade,


Sounds like my kind of competition, I'm always excited for anything involving cake.


I know that you like to weld, maybe a frame made of Metal Mate 20 x 20 x 1.6mm 1m Galvanised Steel Square Tube with some Move It 16mm 20kg Black Fixed Plate Castors attached could be good. Might be a bit too heavy duty though.


Any thoughts or ideas @TedBear, @Dave-1, @ezzie?



Home Improvement Guru

Re: Cake ideas.

Cheers @JacobZ 


I went to the steel and wheel section and bought those wheels.

It's a work in progress and we have until the 16th.

This is her prototype man and mattress. The final mattress will have to be bigger.


I'll keep you posted.

Thanks and cheers.



Community Megastar

Re: Cake ideas.

@Noyade and @JacobZ 

Now this is my kind of competition! :laugh: hahahha "Cake" is discussed a lot at work and man if we miss a birthday its is not a happy day :smile:

I was thinking you have just given me a perfect reason for wandering the aisles of Bunnings to try and figure out how to "duplicate" use some part tomorrow :smile: You say you have the wheels already? 



Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Cake ideas.

Hi @Noyade , I would suggest that you keep it pretty simple so as to not draw too much attention from the cake itself.... something pretty close to what you sketched. It only needs to symbolise a bed, not be functional. 

Your wife won't love you if the whole thing rolls off the bench. 😟

Home Improvement Guru

Re: Cake ideas.

Thanks gents.

We were thinking of a sort of hospital diorama setting @TedBear - but you make a good point.

I think the scale is basically right, with the figure and the wheelchair (another important piece of equipment). He's holding an IV pole - which we will stick into the cake.

I'll post more photos when the cake is in place.




Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Cake ideas.

Hi @Noyade,


Your addition looks great, but I have to say I'm still more excited to see the cake 😂.



Home Improvement Guru

Re: Cake ideas.

Will do @JacobZ 😁

A vanilla cake apparently...

Community Megastar

Re: Cake ideas.

Afternoon @Noyade 

I was wandering around Bunnings aisles earlier trying to figure out bits and pieces tha could be put to another use for your bedframe sketch :smile: I found one or two plus the wheels you have :smile:

It looks brilliant! Right down to the posts for the bed (are they pipe with a screw through them or another fastener?) Surely you guys will have to come in as winners! :laugh: 


Good Luck



Home Improvement Guru

Re: Cake ideas.

Afternoon Dave! @Dave-1 


"Right down to the posts for the bed (are they pipe with a screw through them or another fastener?"


Steel rod - 6.3mm diameter. Odd size to me? All the steel is from Bunnings. I was a bit disappointed with the quality of the plate steel.

Drilled 6mm holes and tapered the short rods with a bench grinder.

Welded in place.

The mini-abrasive drop saw was great to use with all the fiddly bits.






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