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Need advice for budget kitchen reno

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Need advice for budget kitchen reno

Hi everyone,


We’ve moved into a house with an outdated 1970s kitchen, and planning to fix it up on a budget (~$5k, including appliance replacements).This is our first DIY Project, so hoping to get advice in case there are better ways of going about things. (Pictures below for reference)


Note: We’re probably not confident in demolishing and replacing cabinets, and the cabinets are custom built in a single frame (not separate units).


Have looked into it and thought these would be the most cost-effective repairs/renovations:


1) Repaint cabinets & pantry (I’m thinking of two-toned dark green lower cabinets / white on upper cabinets & pantry)

2) Keep original countertop (I’ve read repainting is not ideal, and we don’t have budget for replacing)

3) Replace door handles 

4) Change flooring with stick-on vinyl tiles


On top of that, we will need to:

1) Replace door latches (some are not closing)

2) Repair loose drawer fronts

3) Add drawer runners (they are currently hanging off a top centre mount)

4) Sand & reseal interior of upper cabinets (made of chipboard, flaking)

5) Replace appliances according to budget

Wondering if anyone has tips/tricks for the ideas above, or any other renovation ideas we haven’t thought of - let us know! 




Overview of kitchen layout:


Fridge space:








Kitchen sink & cabinets:


Stovetop/dishwasher space:


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Need advice for budget kitchen reno

Hello @kvj2025 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about your kitchen revamp. 


If your kitchen is covered in traditional laminate sheets, I suggest using Dulux Renovation Range it's specifically designed for laminate surfaces. It appears that your benchtop is still in good condition and if there is no need to replace it, I suggest keeping it in place. Changing your handles is also an excellent method to upgrade the look of your kitchen.

Changing the look of your floor by adding vinyl tiles is a great way to upgrade the look of your kitchen. My best advice is to bring your chosen cabinet colour and putting it beside your chosen floor to make sure they complement each other. My only other suggestion other than the ones you've placed on your list is to paint the walls as well to give the area a fresh new look.


Here is a link to our top ideas: 20 kitchens transformed with paint


Let me call on our experienced members @redbournreno, @Dave-1 and @Nailbag for their recommendations.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Re: Need advice for budget kitchen reno

Evening @kvj2025 

Congratulations on getting a house :laugh: And a warm welcome to the Bunnings community pages :smile: 

I really like your considered approach to the remodeling of your kitchen!


Painting the cupboards and even the laminate benchtop is a definite yes. Tho as you step through the process of choosing colours I would try and work with the existing benchtop colouring. (Paint will work but its a hard working surface so may mark easier is the only hesitation I have) My benchtop is actually particleboard painted with several coats of paint before I moved in :surprised: Its still holding up!


The lino tiles work well, My mum had them put down in her kitchen and they are holding up nicely.

Door latches tightening/repairing might be fiddly but plenty have been succesful with fixing them.

Handles doable and we can help with how to if you are unsure :smile: 


With laminate paint (currently sanding back a couple of laminate bookcases to upgrade them) a light sand and then follow the instructions on the paint tins to the letter. Id also suggest adding more time for the paint to cure before using the surface.


Appliances, hard call as well all want sparkly new ones :smile: I still have the old stove which is down to two hot plates and teh oven. Grill has never worked and two hotplates are dead and I still havnt redone my kitchen! So if it works, maybe use your money elsewhere and keep an eye out for ones on special down the track. Replacing like for like size means you will have new and it will fit into the kitchen as is.


Pay to get all the power points, light switches replaced. I find its the most telling in a remodel and stands out. Consider new lights if it fits the budget (or lamp shades if you cant) You will need a sparky to do them so it would be cheaper to get them all done at once.


The last thing I can add is consider timber trim added to doors or walls to give it a hampton look. (rectangular picture frames on walls, usually at waist height) doors ect.


Take lots of photos of what you have done as you do it. It will come in handy :smile: Plus you may want to post a completed project afterwards for the Bunnings community page :smile:




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