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How to stop Blackbutt timber benchtop water stains?

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How to stop Blackbutt timber benchtop water stains?

Last week we put recycled blackbutt bench top in our kitchen where it holds our sink through our kitchen cabinet maker.


But we are noticing these types of stains everyday that is coming from inevitable water splashes, it is near on impossible to keep looking clean.


The bench top came already oiled, but it feels smooth in 75% and rough in around 25% (the top and side end nearest sink)







Is there something we or our supplier can do? Is this a sign that it wasn’t fully or properly weathered enough prior to it being oiled?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to stop blackbutt timber benchtop staining?

Hi @jess_lambo,


Thank you for your question and welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, it is fantastic to have you with us.


I've got to say, that your blackbutt benchtop looks absolutely beautiful, so giving it the best protection you can is paramount. 


Penetrating oils such as Danish oil offer protection and water resistance, however, they do not create a truly waterproof barrier meaning you will get water marks on them if water is left to sit and penetrate the timber.


In a location close to a sink, I would recommend using a clear varnish such as Cabot's Satin Clear Benchtop Timber Finish as varnish creates a hard, protective film on the surface of the wood that effectively repels water, helping to prevent moisture absorption. Applying 3 coats of varnish will give you much better protection from water absorption. 


You might like to check out How To Restore Wooden Furniture. The application is different, but the principles apply.


Allow me to tag @arfabuck, who is an antique timber furniture restorer by trade to see if he has any thoughts.


Let me know if you have any further questions.




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