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How to repair a crack on benchtop?

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How to repair a crack on benchtop?

Hi there!

There is a crack on the bench top, not sure what material is. What is the best way to repair it? Thanks!



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to repair the crack on bench top near the sink

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @crystalchui. It's wonderful to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about repairing a benchtop.

It looks like the crack is quite serious, particularly since it runs from the edge to the sink cutout. This type of structural crack can significantly weaken that corner of the benchtop, making it difficult to achieve a durable repair.


I noticed the bubble wrap in the image and that the benchtop may not yet be installed. Could you clarify if that’s the case and provide some details on how this corner is currently supported? For example, is the benchtop resting on cabinets, or is there any additional reinforcement around the sink cutout?


Given the nature of the damage, I’d recommend reaching out to a professional who specialises in benchtop repairs. They’ll be equipped to assess the material and structural integrity and suggest the best course of action. Unfortunately, there aren’t many DIY products that can provide an invisible or lasting fix, especially for such significant damage. If a repair isn’t feasible, a replacement may be the more practical option.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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Re: How to repair the crack on bench top near the sink

Hi Mitchell,

Thank you for taking the time to address my question about the damaged benchtop.

To clarify, the benchtop is not yet installed. It is currently resting on bubble wrap, and the corner does not have any cabinet or additional reinforcement supporting it at the moment. Please see another photo attached. 

Would it be possible to add support underneath the crack to improve the structural integrity of the benchtop? If so, I would appreciate any recommendations for materials or methods that could help stabilise this area.
Thank you again for your assistance and valuable advice.
Kind regards,




Re: How to repair the crack on bench top near the sink

Thanks for the extra detail @crystalchui


Is this benchtop being professionally installed?




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Re: How to repair the crack on bench top near the sink

Hi @crystalchui,


Benchtop suppliers will have requirements that specify how edges must be supported, especially close to cutouts, to avoid cracks. Typically, this edge would need to have a lower cabinet under it to support it. 


I'm not sure if this is a second-hand benchtop, but if it is new, I suggest you reach out to the supplier to discuss the damage. If it were, by chance, one of our benchtops, I'd be happy to do that for you.




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