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How to remove kitchen tiles from brick?

Growing in Experience

How to remove kitchen tiles from brick?

Hi we're currently doing a kitchen reno and wanted to replace our kitchen tiles to make room for the new cabinets (will be different heights) as well as use different tiles for backsplash.


We've removed the tiles and realized the wall is completely brick, but there is mortar and sand I think infront of all of the brick to make it level and bring the wall out for the tiles to sit on.


I haven't removed all of the mortar as I wasn't sure if that is what I'm supposed to do. There are quite a few large gaps in the brick wall from what I could see and was afraid that I would cause damage / uncover massive holes.


I saw someone online say just to remove all of it and place a cement sheet on top in order to create a flat surface. What is the best course of action here? The mortar is also up on the window sill too under the window frame. Tried removing some but it cause the frame to lift up so we stopped.

Screenshot 2024-12-10 at 7.36.25 PM.pngIMG_1060.png

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Removing kitchen tiles from brick

Hello @JR2 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us and thanks for sharing your question about your brick wall.


It appears that a few short cuts were taken in the levelling of the brick wall. If it appears that the mortar used is still in good condition and are not falling off the wall, I suggest doing an integrity test on the mortar face. Put both hands on the other mortar and see if you can pull them off the wall. If they are rock steady and have withstood the test, you can now begin to get things ready for rendering. I propose using Dunlop 20kg Multipurpose Acrylic Render to fill in the gaps and holes in the wall. 


However, if the mortar is soft and is easy to take off, you'll have no choice but to re-render your wall.


Here is a handy-step-by-step guide:



Let me call on our experienced members @Dave-1 and @Nailbag for their recommendations.


If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.





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Community Megastar

Re: Removing kitchen tiles from brick

Morning @JR2 

It looks like you have what I suspect my kitchen tiles have behind it 😕 A bit of a pain but doable. My existing tiles sit a fair way out from the wall and Ive always suspected that their is either another batch of tiles under it or mortar like yours.


Depending on what you want for your splashback and how far out you are willing to have it you have two choices. pretty much what @EricL has suggested. I prefer the removal of the mortar and start with a clean slate. It might feel like more effort but teh outcome you know will be new and one that has nothing hidden. Its always teh case with any tytpe of renos, lift the lid and find 3 things under it :smile:


To remove the mortar, I would use a cold chisel and hammer and "gently" work my way accross the surface. Then I would wire brush the surface once all the raised bits are removed. Kango 25mm Cold Chisel There are also cold chisels with a rubber cap at the top to protect your hands. They are def something to consider.




Growing in Experience

Re: Removing kitchen tiles from brick

Thanks Dave,


they come out quite a bit from the wall approx 20mm, my new base cabinets will sit a bit lower than where the tiles currently are and I will need to take them up the adjacent wall too. 

I suspect I will need to remove it all and start over. The product you have linked, how quick is that to dry? And would I use that for patching up any holes in the current wall too or would I use mortar paste? 

someone had also suggested using villoboard instead of the paste to level out the wall as an easier alternative. Would you suggest this too? 

Growing in Experience

Re: Removing kitchen tiles from brick

Thanks Eric! 

the current render sits out quite far so will likely need to remove all and redo. 

under the window frame when I pried the tiles off it also seemed to bring up the window frame as the tiles sit under the frame. What should we do there? 

Community Megastar

Re: Removing kitchen tiles from brick

Morning @JR2 

@EricL suggested the dunlop 20kg multipurpose acrylic render for filling the holes. 


You could go the route of villaboard as it will give a smooth surface tho I think removing the excess and then rendering over it to be flush with the existing wall may be a smoother transition.


Maybe wait until you remove the excess and see how smooth the surface is after the work. Then judge what is needed. Remember that new cabinetry will cover some of the wall, new splashback or tiles may cover other parts. You may need to only render smooth instead of using villaboard on top.




Growing in Experience

Re: Removing kitchen tiles from brick

Thanks Dave, that does make sense! 

It might sound silly but how would I go about shaping this? There are some very big gaps on the brick wall, also along the window sill where it sits horizontally. 

im afraid that if I just put acrylic render over it, it will just fall into the gaps and behind the brick? If I also place the render down the wall, how do I shape it so it doesn’t slip down the wall?

Community Megastar

Re: Removing kitchen tiles from brick

Afternoon @JR2 

Shaping? I am a little confused about why you need to shape it.

Do you holes that go into the bricks themselves? I didnt see any in your photos?

The Acrylic render will be a paste like substance I suspect, it shouldnt be runny at all.


Once you have removed the existing "over supply" of mud that has been left then you will see how deep the holes may be. We can then suggest ways to fill te holes if needed :smile:


Are you talking about the space between the cupboard and the wall?



Growing in Experience

Re: Removing kitchen tiles from brick

Here are some photos where the gap seems quite large, we haven’t removed it all yet just because we weren’t sure if we would be able to fill the gaps





Community Megastar

Re: Removing kitchen tiles from brick

Afternoon @JR2 

Are you going to change your cabinetry around or benchtop?

The hole in the corner looks deepo but cant quiet tell how deep.


Whichever way you go the first question I would ask.

Do I want a flush wall or stepped wall?

Then depending on the answer it will tell you if you need to change other things. It has a flow on effect.


The power point will have to be moved, you will need an electrician for this. Just noticed in your second photo at the top of this thread what may be an electical cable embedded in mortar?  If that is correct then I would stop work and talk to an electrican before chiseling or redoing anything as it is not safe.


electrical cable.JPG


Once you verify if its a cable or something else then its back to stepping through the questions as to what you want.

So to verify, the large gaps you are talking about is the bit between the cupboard and the wall?





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