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How to add a kitchen benchtop extension?

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How to add a kitchen benchtop extension?

Hi all,

We are needing to add another cupboard to our kitchen bench but I'm not sure how to go about sorting the bench top. It will be for the oven. Trim back and find something for just over the oven cabinet, or need to replace the whole length - any help/ideas would be appreciated.

Just a simple addition, not updating the whole kitchen and hopefully not redoing the tiles!



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to add a kitchen benchtop extension?

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @megskitchen. It's wonderful to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about installing cabinetry.


I presume your stove top is elsewhere in the kitchen?

Adding a kitchen benchtop extension can be a straightforward process, but it depends on whether you want to match the existing benchtop or opt for a complementary solution. 


If you’re adding a cupboard and benchtop specifically for the oven, you could extend the benchtop just over the new cabinet. To do this, you’ll need to source a benchtop that matches or complements the existing one. 


If your existing benchtop is a common material like laminate, you might find a close match. However, if a close match is not available consider contrasting it intentionally with a complementary colour or material for a modern look. To join the new section to the existing benchtop, use bench connectors with adhesive to create a flush and secure connection.


Alternatively, if the extension disrupts the overall look too much, replacing the entire benchtop could be a cleaner option. While this is a bigger job, it allows you to update the style and ensures a seamless appearance. It’s also an opportunity to modernise the benchtop while leaving the tiles intact.


In either case, ensure the new benchtop is securely attached to the new cupboard and supported adequately.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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