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Hi guys!
I was after a commercial kitchen tap hose like this one, this is the current one we have in our commercial kitchen:
I've been to Bunnings but they don't seem to have this one. Does anyone know where I could get these locally? I've looked all over the place but can't seem to find this exact one with the same heads.
Would appreciate any help here.
Hi @prv27,
That hose looks oddly similar to a standard shower hose, in fact, in the Ebay link they are picturing a hand shower.
I've made contact with a store and the Kinetic Stainless Steel Mixer Hose Vege Spray Hose is what they have available. However, the fitting is not the same as the one you have pictured.
I can certainly enquire with our suppliers about ordering replacement hoses to suit their pull-out kitchen taps, but depending on what fittings they use they might differ from yours.
Hi @MitchellMc
That's quite interesting. So maybe we have a hand shower hose installed in our kitchen then haha!
Yes I have had a look at the Vege Spray hose but fittings different.
Thanks for your help here Mitch, I think I will go in store and pickup one of the shower hoses and see if it fits in our tap.
Will keep you updated, thanks!
Hi @MitchellMc
I went and bought the hose below. One side was fitting into the spray perfectly. But the head circled in red was not fitting on the tap. It was too big of a fit. When I compared it with our current hose, it is a wider head.
I went ahead and took some photos below. Any advice here @MitchellMc ?
The gold hose is the one already fitted.
Close up
Measurement, not sure if this will help but included in case.
Hi @prvz27,
Just wanted to let you know that @MitchellMc will be back on the site tomorrow to assist you. Apologies for the delay.
Let me tag some other members who might be able to share their thoughts in the meantime: @LePallet, @redracer01, @ProjectPete
Hi @prvz27,
I apologise that the hose was not a direct swap. It appeared it would as the Ebay listing had both the fittings as 1/2inch the same as the Estilo hose. Your wall fitting is less than 1/2inch which is slightly unusual and perhaps specific to the type of hose used.
In order to get this hose to fit we would need to adapt the wall fitting. As we are dealing with very similar-sized threads it can be hard to find a fitting to adapt between them. There is a bushing Kinetic 15 x 10mm Brass Threaded Reducing Hex Bush which might suit. From the photo, I am unable to determine what exact size your wall fitting is. It would be a good idea to take both the hoses into a store and ask a plumbing expert if they can find a fitting which would allow the new hose to fit.
If the Kinetic bushing I mentioned doesn't suit then I believe your best option would be to seek out a plumbing supplier. These dedicated suppliers will have an extensive range of fittings and will be able to find something to convert between the two sizes.
Can I ask if there was anything wrong with the gold hose? If not you could attach it to the wall and attach the Estilo hose to it with a Kinetic 15mm Brass Threaded Hexagon Nipple.
Please let me know how you go and if you have any questions.
Hi @MitchellMc
No need to apologise there Mitch, can always return the hose.
Sorry my bad, I should have explained the initial problem first.
The hose itself is fine, but our spray head broke and water started spraying from the side as can be seen in the pic below.
I thought I'll replace the spray head itself so I tried to fit this one , and another spray head from Bunnings, but they didn't fit properly. There was water leaking from the attachment point on the hose and the new spray head.
I then thought to replace the entire hose with one from Bunnings and then attach the spray head, I thought both the hose and sprayhead will be from Bunnings and therefore should fit each other. So that's why I was after the hose, because the spray heads I have tried are not fitting onto the current golden hose.
I think the best option would be to go ahead with your suggestion Mitch and take the golden hose into a plumbing supplier and they should be able to provide a fitting spray head.
Water spraying out from side where yellow dots are
I'd keep a hold of the Estilo hose for the moment and take it with you to the plumber's supplier. You might find it easier getting the adaptor fitting to suit the Estilo hose, than trying to get a new spray head for your current hose. As you mentioned you can always return the parts you don't need back to the store once you've found a solution.
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