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Fixings for Fibre Cement

Amassing an Audience

Fixings for Fibre Cement

I need to mount an MDF panel to the ceiling..The ceiling is fibre cement and there aren't any rafters where I'm mounting the panel..

What would be the best type of fixing to use?

Would "Wall Mates" be suitable or is there something stronger?

Former Community Member

Re: Fixings for Fibre Cement

@Profmore info required here are some tips
1. If adding photos include a scale for reference ie ruler
2. Rough sketches are great for conveying extra info, please include dimensions,labels,notes,etc LOL it doesnt have to be a work of ART
3. When spanning include types of supports, ie between walls,beams, joists  etc
4. Clearly define Loads & Location  on sketches ie point loads, Uniform loads, twisting,etc,etc

5. Snap Image/sketch/data with phone and upload

6.7.8. etc

Remember...The more info you can provide (Q) the better the suggestion (A) will be for other followers @Jason maybe you guys can give out a weekly voucher here? HTH

Amassing an Audience

Re: Fixings for Fibre Cement

How thick is the MDF panel @Prof? And is it just a small piece or covering the whole ceiling? MDF is obviously pretty light but I still wouldn't want it coming down on my head! I'd be looking at a toggle bolt/wing cavity anchor. These hold 10kg -

Amassing an Audience

Re: Fixings for Fibre Cement

Thanks for the reply...

This is not a building construction requiring load calculations or even detailed plans..


I am just fixing a piece of MDF 200x300x16mm. to a fibre cement ceiling..

Amassing an Audience

Re: Fixings for Fibre Cement

Kermit..It's just a small plate of MDF 300x200x16mm. that will be fixed to the fibre cement ceiling..

Attached to this plate will be a projector column hang a projector on...


Former Community Member

Re: Fixings for Fibre Cement

@ProfIf its decorative try 

liquid nails

Amassing an Audience

Re: Fixings for Fibre Cement



Have you seen those projector lifts that hide the projector when not in use? Some are very expensive but I wonder whether you could make a simple D.I.Y. version?



Amassing an Audience

Re: Fixings for Fibre Cement

Thanks for the suggestion Isobel..Yes I have seen those projector lifts and they can be quite expensive..particularly the remote control ones..

Unfortunately I don't have enough room to fit one of those..

My projector is actually mounted inside my wardrobe on the other side of the wall, with a cutout in that wall..

There is not enough depth in the wardrobe to have that sort of lift..


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