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Plants in hanging baskets and pots can be a delightful feature for your home. They can add colourful flowers, relaxing greenery, privacy and even fresh herbs and vegetables to eat.
Here is a guide to selecting and caring for hanging plants. Let us know if you have any questions and we’ll be happy to help.
Hanging baskets can be a tough place to live. Sun and wind can scorch your plants and dry them out, so plants in exposed positions need to be just as tough.
Your hanging planter can contain a mix of small seasonal flowering plants surrounding a larger and more permanent plant, such as a succulent or dwarf shrub. When planting multiple species in the same basket make sure that your plants are compatible. For example, if your basket will be exposed to full sun and drying winds, it's not a good idea to include plants that will wilt quickly under such conditions.
Hanging plants also need to have a suitably compact or trailing (hanging) growth pattern so that they don’t outgrow their pots and baskets.
Finally, think about whether you’re looking for a splash of seasonal colour for just a few weeks or something that will look good for years to come.
Succulents are always popular, especially those that cascade over the rim of a hanging basket. They’re low-maintenance plants. Most are perennial (long-lived). Succulents typically do well in hot, dry positions. They do need watering and feeding occasionally, especially over the warmer months.
Popular succulents for hanging baskets include: Zygocactus are tough plants that flower in various colours
Other perennial plants include:
Small and reasonably hardy outdoor ferns can be great in baskets, but only in shady locations. Suitable ferns include Boston fern (Nephrolepis exaltata), hare's foot fern (Davallia feejensis) and Blechnum gibbum "Silver Lady". Daisies are a popular choice for flower baskets
There are also many varieties of cactus, such as monkey’s tail cactus (Hildewintera colademononis), that have hanging growth habits. These look great in hanging pots. Hang them in places where people won’t walk into them and be injured by their spines.
When trying to decide what flowering annuals (seasonal plants) to plant in the current season you can always be guided by available seedlings at your local Bunnings.
Sometimes you can extend an annual’s flowering period by trimming dead flowers and lightly trimming back straggly stems and leaves. However, most flowering annuals will grow, flower and start to wilt within three to four months.
You can keep your hanging baskets and pots looking fresh by planting new annuals regularly – ideally at the start of each season. Here are some of my favourites: Petunias provide plenty of vibrant colours in summer
String of pearls makes a visual impact
Hanging planters need not be just ornamental. There are many herbs and fruiting plants that can be grown in suspended pots, including thyme, mint, tomatoes (dwarf trailing types) and strawberries. You can enjoy cherry tomatoes from your own hanging baskets
It’s delightful to be able to step out the door and pick a juicy strawberry or cherry tomato dangling in front of you.
Here are some things to keep in mind before setting up a hanging basket:
There are several things you can do to ensure your hanging plants remain healthy. Below are some tips:
The Bunnings Workshop community team has shared several other resources on selecting different types of plants and maintaining a healthy garden. These include:
Check out the Top 10 most popular garden makeovers shared on Workshop.
Our collection of Top 10 most popular raised garden beds and Top 10 most popular planter box projects should also spark some creative ideas for your garden.
Other great projects shared by Workshop members include:
The Bunnings Workshop community is here to help if you need a hand in choosing plants for hanging baskets. Feel free to Start a new discussion and let us know your needs.
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