Hey people,I'm a spring chicken in my 70th year so please.....be gentle with me ??. I need to put new steps on my patio, wooden pre-cut sets at Bunnings look good but I don't know how to select the correct ones. What do I measure, what angle from the patio should they be,and what distance should be between each step? Also, how should the side supports be secured to the ground,if at all. Just learning the computer too so can't put up pictures yet. Sorry about that....and thanks in advance for any advice.
Solved! See most helpful response
Welcome aboard you 70th year spring chicken you, nice to have another senior to stick up for me. I'm racing towards my 66th year, & looking forward to it. : )
I'm not inferring that you have special needs, but ask your local council for advice, it may well earn you a custom made & fitted freebie, so it's worth the ask.
Our council is marvellous, they fit a purpose built step for my 94 year old Mother-in-Law, & it works a treat.
The only thing that I need to do now, is make the leading edge more visible, as they'd made it so discreet to blend in, that it's a possible tripping hazard for visitors.
All the very best
G'day Gordon & others
Sorry all, I got my wires crossed, the service that I mentioned can be found on this site:
It's council specific, but a government driven & subsidised program.
I hope this helps.
Thank you Andy_Mann for the update-duly noted. By the way, don't be racing too fast towards your 66th year. It's around that time people say the wheels start to fall off. I don't know, but for me never mind the wheels-the whole damn undercarriage came loose!! Hope you keep those wheels spinning. Good Luck
Nah, I love Birthdays, I was veeery lucky to make my 47th, so every day, & year is a bonus.
I used to ride a bike but I mostly walk now, so it's be great if in my 66th, you're right, & my spare tyre (which I've been trying off-load for years) falls off. : )
I love being around positive people, & you're positively wonderful. ; )
G'day Gordon, if you've been a muso for 51 years, then you've got it all over me. I battled learning guitar which went well, until I had to play bar chords. Even at the tender age of 15, I had knarly knuckles, & my guitar had shallow frets, needless to say, I wasn't born to be a guitarist.
Much later in life I tackled the keyboard, but the combination of my plod reading skills, & fingers like sweet potatoes, that didn't work out either. : (
Still, it gives me an immense appreciation of musicians that make it look so easy, & play with such fluidity & expressiveness.
Then there's the motor bike thing, oh how I'd love a motor bike. Nothing super street, just an L plater with style, like a Yammy Yamaha YZF-R3, or Kwaka Ninja 300 ABS. Wife won't approve, so it isn't going to happen.
So there you go, you've been a muso for 51 years, you've ridden motor bikes, it's your 68th Birthday tomorrow. The first 2 will never happen for me, & turning 68 will be great when/if it happens. ; )
Don't let statistics get you down, keep being a bad boy, & sing along with life.
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