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Winter gardening jobs

It’s the first day of winter and the time of year that most of us bunker down indoors.


But there’s still plenty of gardening jobs to do.


What will you be doing in the garden in the coming weeks now that winter is here?



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Cultivating a Following

Re: Winter gardening jobs

I'm been telling myself for a while that I must get the mower serviced. It's 10 years old and has never had a service but it's starting to blow a bit of smoke and be harder to start.

Amassing an Audience

Re: Winter gardening jobs

As I posted yesterday, I'll be trying to protect my plants from frost!


Also considering some fruit trees.

Becoming a Leader

Re: Winter gardening jobs

Yes, there's still plenty you can do in the garden in winter. You can plant bare rooted roses and deciduous trees. You can prune fruit trees and roses and other plants like camellias and hydrangeas. You can divide and replant herbaceous perennials like cyclamen, geranium and euphorbia. You can also plant flowers for spring, like lupins, delphinium and dianthus. And there's even vegies to grow like spinach and lettuce and peas.

Re: Winter gardening jobs

Hi Garden lovers 🍁This is my favourite time of year to clean up the garden. Over the past few weeks I have been clearing out a garden bed that is sort of hidden from general view.
It is down slope so not visible unless you wander down from the house. I can't believe the way the soil has stayed so lovely and friable under all the fallen leaves and plant roots. I gave it a nice feed of seamungus pellets which was just prior to the nice drop of rain we had Saturday. I've got pieris, fuschia,sage,rosemary and quite a few other cuttings rooting nicely on my heated propagator that I am going to plant out in spring. I already put in some barerooted roses
and divided up my irises and spread them around the roses in a garden bed further up the slope. I always go to sleep at night planning what nice job to do in my garden the next day.
The sad part is my family have no interest in the garden... I actually show my husband pics on my phone of how the garden looks after my efforts of the day. My young uni student kids never venture far from their computers or rooms.
I annoy them by telling them to come see the nice frog/lizard/king parrot/spider/fish etc etc in my garden.
Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Winter gardening jobs

Thanks for sharing @Fuchsia. Your garden sounds lovely. Even though the rest of your family might not have much interest in your garden, you'll find plenty of like-minded people here on Workshop! It's great to have you as a member of the community. Thanks for joining us and making your first post. Please post again soon.



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Making a Splash

Re: Winter gardening jobs

Our lawn is in an urgent need of mowing but it's been so cold and rainy lately we keep putting it off...we'll get around it at some point...hopefully.
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Community Manager

Re: Winter gardening jobs

How is everyone's gardens looking as we head into another winter tomorrow?


At my place I need to do a lot of weeding. And the lawn doesn't need a mow but I'm having to run over it regularly to mulch all the leaves and make sure the grass gets as much sunlight as possible.



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Making a Splash

Re: Winter gardening jobs

I too need to do a lot of weeding - it's becoming difficult to find the parsley in amongst all of the weeds! Our lawns aren't too bad so will try and get onto the garden beds this weekend if the weather holds out!
Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Winter gardening jobs

Great to see that even in the depths of winter, Workshop members still love their gardening.


In the poll over the past week, 86 percent of the community said they enjoy gardening.


Thanks to all those who voted.





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