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Had lawn put in almost 2 yrs ago. Occasionally had dry patches but usually recovers. Recently had issues with retic which has all been repaired and has good coverage, was fertilised at same time and looked great for a few weeks. Now these patches are back, what causes this? Is it some kind of pest damage?
Hi @kh17
You could have lawn beetles etc
Apply the following product and it will protect your lawn form many types as well as the grubs I say this as you have fertilized and your still having problems.
Hi @kh17,
It could be lawn beetles or grubs like @Jewelleryrescue has mentioned and it can't hurt to try the Richgro 2.5kg Lawn Beetle And Grub Killa.
Do these brown patches typically occur when there is heavy rain?
It looks like there may be low points in your lawn where heavy rain will pool. Pooling water can stress the lawn out causing a stress reaction like this.
If they are low points, you may need to look into levelling the soil, so it doesn't pool in these areas. You can add top-soil to these spots so the tips of the grass still show through, level with a Saxon Soil Spreader Top Soil and then wait for the grass to grow through and for the soil to settle. You may need to do this in stages over a number of weeks, so you don't smother the grass.
It would also be beneficial to dethatch. Check out How To Dethatch Your Lawn for some guidance.
You should also consider aerating your lawn. Check out How To Aerate And Top Dress Your Lawn for some guidance on this.
After these steps, regular watering, mowing at a consistent height and applications of fertiliser will help improve your lawns health.
Let me know if you have any thoughts or further questions.
We haven’t had any heavy rain where we are for quite a while, just hot and dry, so I don’t think it’s that. The patches have got worse in last couple of weeks and hardly had any rain in that time.
We had someone out to redo the retic around 6 weeks ago and he added some topsoil and fertilised it then. My partner followed recommended mowing schedule and has given some extra Seasol when he noticed it was started to fade in colour.
Haven’t noticed many beetles, but there are a few mole crickets around. Also at one side of the lawn there is a bit of an ant problem that I thought we’d got rid of last year but they’re back, although the part where their regular track runs is still green.
The edges of the lawn are quite lush so it’s annoying that these patches keep appearing.
Will give the Grub Killa a try.
Hi @kh17
My only other thoughts in regards to your lawn is poor drainage. There might be a layer of clay that's holding water below the grass roots, and it could be what's causing your lawn to fade away. A quick give away would be that right under the surface of the turf there is a layer of mouldy wet soil. There is a strong smell of wet mould on the surface of your lawn. If you have these symptoms on your lawn, odds are there is water stuck underneath.
If you need further assistance, please let us know.
Turns out to be a retic issue (which we only just had redone 🙁) so wasn’t getting watered evenly.
Hi @kh17,
Well, that's a pain. At least we know what the issue is and can now take action.
Have you managed to get the retic issue sorted?
If not, I'd be happy to offer some guidance.
Let me know what you think.
Tried to fix part of it but the pvc cement didn’t hold and it blew off again. There are also a couple of splits in pipe. Will get the guy who installed it to come back out and redo. In the meantime we’re just watering with hose and some shoots are coming through
Hi @kh17,
That seems like the best way to go.
I'm sure the lawn will bounce back now it is getting the water it needs.
Good luck!
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