Just Starting Out

Why is my potting mix mouldy?

I recently purchased a 50L bag of Scotts Premium Potting Mix. It filled the car with a curious 'fresh pine bark' smell when I drove home. When I opened the bag, it was mouldy. Is it OK to still use this potting mix, I should I return it for either a refund or exchange? Thanks.IMG_6561.JPG IMG_6562.JPG IMG_6563.JPG

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Mouldy potting mix

Hi  @Paul10 


Mold  is the a big problem for some plants  And you bag is saterated  with it to and extreme degree.  Definatly  return it for refurnd  or exchange making sure new bag not part of a  bad batch.


Keep in mind  mold is natures way to break natural materials down and is everywhere this will happen to any potting mix used eventually but  your bag may tip nature of balance in your garden for a while.


I used a half  bag of suger cane mulch the rain got into it was ripe,  I used it on open ground away from plants as a compost it  was fine in that application.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Mouldy potting mix

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @Paul10.


I'm so sorry to hear that you've had an issue with your potting mix.


I presume it's just the image, but I can't see anything there that I would directly associate with mould. There are all the soil particles, and then there could be a white mould on the white bag that the picture is not picking up clearly. Regardless, I'd recommend taping the bag up and returning it to the store if you're at all concerned; the team there will be happy to assist. They'll be able to check other bags for you to ensure they do not have the same issue.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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