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Why does my eggplant fruit grow a rough skin?

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Why does my eggplant fruit grow a rough skin?

Has any one seen this before? my eggplant develops a rough hard skin, usually starts on the base, the fruit is good inside. I grow eggplants each year and the first fruits are good, then they start to get this condition. This has been happening for about the last three years.


Not all my plants are affected. I have looked at eggplant diseases on the internet and have not been able to find anything like it, any help would be appreciated. See photos below.Eggplant1.jpg eggplant2.jpg eggplant3.jpg

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Why does my eggplant fruit grow a rough skin?

Hi @AngryBird,


The most likely answer I could give you is that eggplants that are grown through Summer often develop from the calyx with dry, leathery blossom ends that progress into this look. That's why your first fruits are good and the subsequent ones experience this issue. It's typically just an aesthetic issue as the skin is peeled away.


Let me mention @Noelle, @mich1972, @Grub80 and @bergs to see if they have any thoughts.




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Re: Why does my eggplant fruit grow a rough skin?

Gosh I have not seen this before. I’m wondering if it could possibly be irregular watering or poor pollination. I’m thinking it might be the watering. I’ll wait to see what @Noelle  thinks. 

Re: Why does my eggplant fruit grow a rough skin?

Hi @AngryBird 

I tend to agree with @MitchellMc  in that as the season progresses and the weather becomes hotter and drier, the eggplants can start to look like this.  It may be as a result of leaving the fruits on the plants too long when the sun is at its most intense (mid summer) - the skin starts to dry out and develop this leathery look.  The solution - harvest fruits earlier or put up shade structures to protect them.

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Why does my eggplant fruit grow a rough skin?

Thank you @Noelle 😊 

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Re: Why does my eggplant fruit grow a rough skin?

Thank you all. For you replies, very good advice. The eggplants tasted pretty good and we made some baba ganoush out of them.

Re: Why does my eggplant fruit grow a rough skin?

Happy to hear that !!!!! What are you growing now in your Edible Garden @AngryBird ? 😃

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