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Why are new rose bush shoots dying?

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Why are new rose bush shoots dying?

My tall Rose Mr Lincoln red perfume healthy for years.  Suddenly yesterday as I did the deadheading,  discovered new shoots of yed leaves wiped and dangling, even many ended up on ground.  Very unusual never seen before.  The other rose bushes nearby have no problems except usual blackl spots but new shoots ok.


Today at my walk around the streets, some low trees in neighborhoods have dried branched brown leaves on top, and a few whole tree has brown leaves (not yet autumn season though).


I wonder a sudden attack from.....???


Please see attached photos .





 cut a branch for close up look

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Re: Why are new rose bush shoots dying?

Sorry to hear about those issues with your rose bush, @MYC


Let me call upon our knowledgeable garden experts @Noelle and @mich1972 for their thoughts.




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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Why are new rose bush shoots dying?

Good morning @MYC May I ask what State you live in please ? Here in Perth we’re going through yet another heatwave and some plants are burning badly because of it. 
Your rose looks like it needs a pruning as the stems are so long. 
Can’t tell if it is Chilli Thrip as that’s really bad. I’m just going to tag @Noelle  into the conversation as I would like to get her expert opinion 🌿😊

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Why are new rose bush shoots dying?

Hi @MYC 

It doesn't look like insect damage to me. I think @mich1972 is on the right track with heat damage, although the close-up of the cut stem is showing quite a bit of dieback but that's probably an old flower stem that's been dead-headed.

When conditions are extremely hot and the sun is very intense, tender shoots like these are quite susceptible and can be damage very easily. Trim off burned/damaged shoots so they don't die back into healthy wood.

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Why are new rose bush shoots dying?

Thank you 🙏 💜

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Re: Why are new rose bush shoots dying?

Thank you. I have been looking at gardens in neighborhoods,  many trees or shrubs suffering brownish leaves or dried leaves or even a couple of  weeping cherry trees have no leaves at all, in Summer time.  So it looks like the weather has affected our plants.  Hope the autumn weather might revive or resolve these issues.

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Re: Why are new rose bush shoots dying?

I am in Melbourne,  Victoria. Yes, hopefully the weather is to reason.  Let's hope cooler March might brings some better look for our plants.

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