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Why are my lilly pilly leaves dying?

Getting Established

Why are my lilly pilly leaves dying?



I have 8 Francisii lilly pillys and maybe 3 are starting to have brown leaves falling off at the bottom of the tree, but the top is completely fine with new regrowth.

Can anyone help at all? What is happening?!






Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Re: Why are my lilly pilly leaves dying?

A warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @atb90809. We're delighted to have you join us and hope you find the site a handy resource containing useful advice and inspiring ideas for your home improvement and garden projects.


Sorry to hear about your lilly pilly. Let me tag our garden experts @Noelle and @mich1972 for their thoughts on how to care for your plant. Our resident Bunnings D.I.Y. expert @EricL will also be online later today and will be happy to assist. 


While waiting, I suggest having a quick look at the guide How to diagnose and revive a sick lilly pilly by Noelle. In it you'll find the basic steps you need to take in order to diagnose what's going on with your plant.


Hope this helps. 




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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Why are my lilly pilly leaves dying?

Hi @atb90809 

Great to have you join the community!

To me, your trees look very healthy - it is normal for the oldest leaves low down on the plants and close in to the trunk to die off as they come to the end of their useful lives.  They have been replaced by new leaves on younger branches and shoots.

The appearance of bare branches and twigs in the lower section could also be attributed to the tree having been pruned back at some stage to keep it within the confines of the garden bed.

Over the years, the lower trunks may well become completely bare - that's just how trees grow. All the new growth is at the top where there is plenty of light to encourage it.

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Why are my lilly pilly leaves dying?

@atb90809  Apologies for the late response, been hectic in store and at home. Agreed with @Noelle, looking good, just cut any dead branches / twigs out. 😃

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Why are my lilly pilly leaves dying?

It's great to see you've received some helpful responses from a couple of our gardening experts @atb90809.


Please let us know if you have further questions.




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Getting Established

Re: Why are my lilly pilly leaves dying?

Thankyou. If I do cut out the dead branches, will those grow back or is it just going to stay bare?


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Why are my lilly pilly leaves dying?

Nothing will likely grow from the trunk to fill that void @atb90809. You'll probably end up with a hole until the exterior foliage is bushy enough to fill in the gaps.  




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