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Hi all, can you help in identifying what type of melon am I growing? Me ole mate (ie elderly father), hade some melon seeds and planted them in. Surprise surprise the melons? Are growing. Photos attached. I am growing rock melons, and have photo attached for a comparison. Cheers all super sleuths!
What type is it?
Rock melons
You might have to wait until it's time to cut one open @Grub80!
We've had a similar mystery on Workshop before thanks to @QuailFlock - - It turned out to be a sharkfin melon, which I hadn't heard of before.
Let me tag some of our resident garden gurus who might be able to give you some clues. @Adam_W, @Noelle, @CathM.
Bit hard to tell just from the foliage. All melons and family have quite similar leaves. May be a bit easier as the melons develop. Any thoughts @Adam_W ?
I'l go with you on that one @Noelle
As soon as you are talking a group of plants that have entire books dedicated to them you know there is potential for confusion...
Not helped if they have self-seeded from a commercial variety as they are likley to revert back to a more basic form that may not resemble the original plant or fruit. It will in basic ways, such as leaf form and fruit type, but beyond that there can be a lot of diffference.
I'd suggest grow it on & see what develops!
Melons are actually pretty handy in the veggie garden anyway as they work like living mulch. They help keep soil cooler & retaining more moisture.
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