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What to plant in front of a white brick wall?

Finding My Feet

What to plant in front of a white brick wall?

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Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: plz suggest me plants for this area. thinking for hydrangea white.

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @aaina1. It's sensational to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about plant selection.

White hydrangeas are a beautiful choice and would look stunning against a white brick wall. Before proceeding, could you share more details about your climate and location? This will help us recommend plants that will thrive in your area. You might also like to pop into your local Bunnings store to see what plants are on offer. Our stores will carry plants that are suitable for your local climate. Another option is to go for a drive around your neighbourhood to see what other residents have used in their yards.


It’s also worth noting that planting directly in front of a brick wall can sometimes present challenges. Brick walls can wick excess water, which may lead to dampness or damage over time. For this reason, it’s typically best to set garden beds slightly away from the wall or consider planting in pots to provide a barrier and better control over drainage.


Let us know more about your space, and we’ll be happy to suggest additional plants that complement the area!

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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Finding My Feet

Re: plz suggest me plants for this area. thinking for hydrangea white.

hi i am from christchurch. Plz seuggest me some plants according to nz's weather


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: plz suggest me plants for this area. thinking for hydrangea white.

Hi @aaina1,


For Christchurch's climate, consider lavender, hebe, or roses for a colourful flower garden. Native options like cabbage tree, pittosporum, and kōwhai are hardy and bird-friendly. Vegetables such as lettuce, carrots, and radishes grow well, alongside herbs like rosemary, thyme, and mint. For screening, try griselinia or flax, and for low-maintenance spots, succulents or rock daisies are ideal.


Allow me to tag @Noelle and @mich1972 to see if they have any thoughts.




Kind of a Big Deal

Re: plz suggest me plants for this area. thinking for hydrangea white.

Hi @aaina1 

Jacob's suggestions along with Mitchell's all sound good for your location - a mixture of flowering shrubs that grow to a height of around a metre or so would be most attractive!

Mitchell's comments about planting close to a brick wall should be considered as well as his recommendation to visit your local Bunnings to see what plants are in stock. Each store tends to carry plants that are best suited to the location, so there should be a good range for you to choose from.

Re: plz suggest me plants for this area. thinking for hydrangea white.


Re: plz suggest me plants for this area. thinking for hydrangea white.

About the tree wat about the length of kowhai tree?? 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: plz suggest me plants for this area. thinking for hydrangea white.

Hi @Aaina,


There are varieties of kowhai trees such as this Kowhai - Sophora microphylla Dragons Gold which can be maintained at around a metre high with no issues. At this height, they may grow to block the window a little bit, but nothing too much if they are regularly pruned.


Let me know if you have any other questions.




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