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What is your favourite plant in your garden?

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What is your favourite plant in your garden?

Calling all gardeners. What is your favourite plant in your garden?


Here's my camellia tree, which is a favourite in Spring. 





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Re: What is your favourite plant in your garden?

My hayfever is kicking in just looking at that photo Jason!

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Re: What is your favourite plant in your garden?

they are beautiful trees. I have a row in the back yard acting as a screen. I need to figure out how to trim them without destrying them. they are taking up a little too much sunlight..

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Re: What is your favourite plant in your garden?

Welcome to Workshop @Dave.


I'd encourage you to post some photos in a new discussion - I'm sure some of the keen gardeners here will be happy to give you some pruning tips.



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Re: What is your favourite plant in your garden?

I don't really have a garden, more like a balcony with one potted plant...


...and that plant belongs to my housemate and is dying. I might steer clear of this topic.

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Re: What is your favourite plant in your garden?

My favourite at the moment as it can cope with the heat.





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Re: What is your favourite plant in your garden?



I just rescued some of ours from the backyard carnage with our building work. It's fantastic how you can just saw them off anywhere and then replant them. I just have them in a bucket on the deck at the moment. 



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Re: What is your favourite plant in your garden?

Another old discussion worthy of reviving for our new members. 


What's your favourite plant in your garden?




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Re: What is your favourite plant in your garden?

It’s always good to revive these topics. I’m not a gardener, but I have ambitions. I have a very small exterior space for plants. My ambition is to get my hybrid Ficafolia actually growing! I’m a bit suss about the viability of these hybridised trees - it’s been in for nearly 2 years and I’ve yet to see it “sparkle” with growth. I do all the right things, don’t over water, give it rare amounts of native fertiliser - but I’ve put this down to the problem of trying to grow a tree to under 4m in height 😂

Zygo Cactus, on the other hand, are a doddle, even for people like me :smile:
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Re: What is your favourite plant in your garden?

plectranthus caninus... and osteospermum, and geranium, caper bush and pomegranate and cacti and succulents, wisteria and, and, and.... honestly anything that copes with 49c heat after a week of 45c heat here in Adelaide - which was all those listed.
But honestly, the plectranthus won. It looked fresh and green and VIBRANT the whole time, as if it were native to Mercury instead of Earth, and was feeling a little chilly.

OOH, special mention to sansevieria - I've got it everywhere, inside the house and outside, in the alfresco... love the stuff!

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