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Does anyone know what these 2 plants are, thankyou kindlyWhat am l (1)
What am l (2)
Solved! See most helpful response
Hi Brad, yes l wanted to know so l can do a bit of research on them both
Hi @Lyndave
Just a bit of info about these beautiful flowers, the Duranta Erecta is toxic to pets and the Mirabilis Jalapa's black seeds and roots are toxic to pets as well. If you plan on planting them in your garden please make sure to put up a fence to prevent your pets from tasting or consuming them.
If you need further assistance, please let us know.
Thankyou for that information Eric, l do have the garden fenced off from the dog, however l have done research on both those plants and have decided against them...... Thanks again
Hello @Lyndave
I suggest having a look at this excellent guide - How to choose fragrant plants by @Adam_W. Further down the discussion, I've compiled a list of the fragrant plants that are toxic and non-toxic to pets.
If you need further assistance, please let us know.
Thankyou eric
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