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Weed killer in vegie patch

I'd set aside a small area in the garden for winter vegies, but discovered yesterday that my partner has sprayed weed killer there. Is it now contaiminated for a long time? Is there anything I can do with it?

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Re: Weed killer in vegie patch



I have seen @CathM post on this topic. She advised that your garden is not contaminated but you can use mulch to help build up the garden and remove any chemical residue. Once you build up the soil level any chemical residue will be lower than most vegetable roots reach. But you would need to wait a few weeks anyway as if you are putting compost down it will be too hot. Hope that helps.



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Re: Weed killer in vegie patch

In addition to composting, a liquid fertiser like Seasol will help improve the soil and break down any chemical residue that might be left behind. 

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Re: Weed killer in vegie patch

It depends on the type of weedkiller that your partner has used...if it is Roundup or weedkiller containing Glyphosate - these will disappear quite quickly - usually within 2 weeks.

Do you know what weedkiller was used?

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Re: Weed killer in vegie patch

It was Round Up @Branchy249. That is reassuring that it won't hang around for long. Thanks for everyone's help.

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Re: Weed killer in vegie patch

Roundup/glyphosate is ok.
It is adsorbed by clay particles in the soil and has a half life of about 7 days.
A lot of commercial and professional growers will spray an area and plant the following day.
This allows the weeds to slowly die whilst suppressing other weeds from emerging.
All it means is you cant call it an organic garden.
Definitely use something like seasol as mentioned by greygardener.
Happy growing
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Re: Weed killer in vegie patch

Thanks for sharing your expertise @sprayman. Great to have you as a member of Workshop.




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