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How to add trellis to Colorbond fence?

Just Starting Out

How to add trellis to Colorbond fence?


Hi! I recently planted some passion fruit which are growing well however I’d like them to grow up along the color bond wall. What kind of trellis would work best? Hoping not to have to spend too much money 😅

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Trellis for passionfruit

Hello @Taraneh 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us and thanks for sharing your question about your passion fruit.


I suggest having a look at this featured discussion - Training climbers to screen a fence by @royq. It's an excellent example of how you can create a climbing frame for your passion fruit. Another method is to use Saxon 600mm x 3m Flower Mesh in combination with Jack Mesh Panel Fix Clip. The general technique is to run or attach the mesh or training climbers onto your Colorbond fence and attaching your passion fruit to the trainers using Jack 100m Dark Green Twist Plant Tie.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Just Starting Out

Re: Trellis for passionfruit

Thank you so much Eric. I really appreciate this thorough explanation!! 

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