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How to treat scale infestation on Lilly Pilly?

Just Starting Out

How to treat scale infestation on Lilly Pilly?

Hi everyone, can i get some help on an infestation problem.


I’m new to gardening and just recently moved into my first house. What I think is a 3m tall Lilly Pilly tree is infested with what I think are scale. I can see white blobs of secretion everywhere over the tree, particularly concentrated where branches converge.





I’ve tried some systemic insecticide that is sprinkled over the soil at the base of the tree but it doesn’t seem to have stopped the spread. even the trunk at the base of the tree has some blobs already. Do I have any options or do I need to cut the tree down before it spreads?




Just Starting Out

Re: Infestation on Lilly Pilly

Also as an extra question, I have another 5 metre tall tree that’s about 5 metres away from this one which fruits. I can see some of the white blobs starting to form on its branches too and some leaves have pimples on them. I think it’s a Lilly Pilly as well based on the pink leaves at the branch tips. What should I do?







Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Infestation on Lilly Pilly

Hello @beexdee 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about your lilly pilly.


It does sound like your Lilly Pilly trees are dealing with a scale infestation. Since the systemic insecticide you applied at the base hasn’t been effective, you’ll likely need a more direct approach.

First, try spraying the trees thoroughly with an oil-based insecticide such as Eco-Oil, which will smother the scale. Please note that this is a concentrate and must be diluted before use. Make sure to coat both sides of the leaves, branches, and trunk. You’ll need to repeat this every couple of weeks until the infestation is under control. If the trees are too tall to reach the top branches, consider using a hose-end sprayer.


Since you have a fruiting tree nearby that’s also showing signs, act quickly to prevent further spread. Prune any heavily infested branches and dispose of them in the bin, not the compost. If ants are present, they could be protecting the scale, so applying an ant barrier such as Richgro 5kg Ant Killa Insecticide Granules around the trunks may help.


If the infestation is extreme and the tree is severely weakened, removal might be an option, but Lilly Pillys are tough and can usually recover with the right treatment. Keep an eye on new growth and be patient, as it can take a few months to fully get rid of scale.


Here is a handy guide that can help: How to diagnose a sick plant by @Noelle 


Please remember to wear personal protection such as gloves, goggles and a mask when using chemical sprays.


If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.




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