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Recycled hardwood and trellis fence with planter boxes





Step 1


Like all fence type jobs, setting out the job and digging the holes was the first cab off the rank. I came across a lot of dead tree roots so the reciprocating saw was amazing at easily cutting through those.


Setting Up Profiles.pngSetting up stirrup string line.pngStirrup height.pngNew Tree Root.pngNew Recip.png

Next Step

Step 2


Concrete the post stirrups in place. I've used High Wind Anchor Post Anchors as this is a free standing trellis fence and l don't want to have the posts in the ground as that will make them last longer. Since this is free standing, normal post stirrups don't have enough rigidity to hold the trellis straight over time.


Setting Stirrup to String Line copy.pngStirrups Set to a String Line.pngConcrete Materials.png

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Step 3


Cut the Posts and bolt them into the Post Stirrups. Make sure you take the edge off the posts to remove any splinters.


Plumb the Posts.pngBrace the Posts.pngTrellis Fence set up .pngArris the Wood.pngDrilling Posts.pngTightening Bolts.png

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Step 4


Cut the Frames for between the posts and attach the mesh to the frames using galvanised staples.


Frame Blocks.png

Trellis Fence Frame copy.pngTrellis Fence Frame Installation.pngTrellis Mesh.pngCutting the Mesh.png

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Step 5


After a coat of oil we left it like that for a while hoping that the creepers would grow but unfortunately that failed which led us to the next step of removing the grass, adding some paving and placing in the Cor10 Planter Boxes which you will see in the next step.


Trellis 5.pngTrellis 2.pngTrellis 1.pngTrellis 3.pngTrellis 4.png

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Step 6


The job finished, complete with pavers and Cor10 Planter Boxes made to order. Here is the Before and After Comparison. 


Before Photo copy 2.pngFinished Shot.png

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Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Recycled hardwood and trellis fence with planter boxes

Hello @DIY4Knuckleheds 


What a beautiful makeover of the garden area, the trellis fence looks fantastic and will definitely look awesome once the plants start covering the area. The Corten planters blend in so well with the set up and it looks like your plants are agreeing with their new location. It would be wonderful if you could give us an update in a few month's time when your plants have matured, and they've climbed up the trellis.


Thank you for sharing such a wonderful project.




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Re: Recycled hardwood and trellis fence with planter boxes

Thanks Eric! Since that last photo was taken the plants have really taken off! Currently there is an ugly chicken wire fence in front of it to protect the plants from our insatiable free ranging pet rabbit who would devour those beautiful juicy, young, fresh plants in a heartbeat 😂 Once the plants get a little more established and l can remove that wire fence l'll post a pic 👍😁

Cheers mate,

Shane 👍😁🇦🇺

Community Megastar

Re: Recycled hardwood and trellis fence with planter boxes


:surprised: Now that is a decent trellis. I always look at them and think "I wonder how long it will last" but somehow I dont think you will have a concern. I like how the height is above your fenceline, it breaks that straightness and gives a larger feeling.

I can imagine the vines or just greenery covering it. Nice work.



Re: Recycled hardwood and trellis fence with planter boxes

G'day Dave, thanks for the feedback mate 👍 By keeping the posts off the ground, it will ensure that the structure will remain for a very long time 👍👍

Since that photo was taken the vines have really taken off and it looks awesome! You will notice in the photo our pet rabbit sitting on the Planter Box....because of that little critter l have had to erect a chicken wire fence in front of the planter boxes to keep him out while the vines become established otherwise he would demolish them 😂


Shane 👍😁🇦🇺


Just Starting Out

Re: Recycled hardwood and trellis fence with planter boxes

Can I ask where you purchased and what size trough planter boxes you have??

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Recycled hardwood and trellis fence with planter boxes

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @chinner. It's fantastic to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about this wonderful project.


Let me mention @DIY4Knuckleheds so they are alerted to your question, and hopefully, they can provide an answer. In the interim, you might like to check out the Birdies 1 x 0.45 x 0.3m DLX Planter Corten Raised Garden Bed Kit which is of a similar style.

We look forward to hearing all about your projects and plans around the house and garden. Please feel free to reach out anytime you need assistance or have something to share with the community.


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Re: Recycled hardwood and trellis fence with planter boxes

G'day @chinner

I went to a guy who is a metal engineer and he made them up for me. He charged me around 1300.00 bucks for the four of them which l thought was very reasonable. They are 1800mm long, 500mm high and 350mm wide.


Shane 👍

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