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Planting Miles Choice Bay Laurels - do i need to stake them?

Just Starting Out

Planting Miles Choice Bay Laurels - do i need to stake them?

Planting Miles Choice Bay Laurels - do i need to stake them?

Community Megastar

Re: Planting Miles Choice Bay Laurels - do i need to stake them?

Afternoon @davidh95 

Welcome to the Bunnings Community pages :smile: 

I would say yes it would be wise at least until the Laurels have matured into their new homes :smile: I have not staked some things and then rushed around at the first hint of strong wind :smile:


How tall are your Laurels ? And how old are they?



Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Planting Miles Choice Bay Laurels - do i need to stake them?

Good afternoon @davidh95  Could I please ask you to add a couple of photos when you have time so we can have look at what needs to be done . As @Dave-1 suggested it wouldn't hurt to stake them. Good luck , happy Gardening :smile:

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Planting Miles Choice Bay Laurels - do i need to stake them?

Hi @davidh95,


A warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, it is fantastic to have you with us.


I agree with @Dave-1 and @mich1972 that it can't hurt and is likely worthwhile.


Let me know if you need a hand uploading images, I'm happy to help if required.




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