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Ozito 18v pruners

Getting Established

Ozito 18v pruners

I bought these pruners and used them today, but found after 15 mins they stopped due to thermal overload! It was a cool day of 20 degrees. They were warm in my hand but definitely not hot. 

Took them back for a replacement, but the same behaviour happened after about 10-15 mins of cutting. Most of the branches I was cutting were less that 15mm.

After resting the tool for 10mins, I was able to get another 15 mins out of them, until they stopped. 

The 4amp battery was showing 3 lights the whole time, ie full power. 


None of the reviews show any hint of this issue. Is it a bad batch, or have you heard of this before? Do the Ryobi pruners do the same? 


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Ozito 18v pruners

Hello @Oopsee 


I'm sorry to hear that your Ozito pruner is overheating. One of the reasons your tool would overheat is the motor was put under a great deal of stress. According to the operator's manual on page 4 Pruning can be done all year round. It is advisable to prune lightly when the shrub/plant is in full bloom or in its peak. Prune more heavily when the plant is less active and dormant. Take note of the maximum cutting capacity, softwood: Ø25mm, hardwood: Ø15mm. 


Cutting larger dry tougher pieces could cause the motor to thermally overload and prevent the cutter from operating properly. Since this is the second tool you've received that is overheating, I suggest returning the tool for an exchange and giving it one more try. This time however, I suggest cutting the branches starting from the thinnest section and working your way to the thicker ones. 


If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.




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Getting Established

Re: Ozito 18v pruners

Thx Eric. 

Unfortunately the branches don't come in size categories, but in this case are bundles of all sorts of aggregates. The job won't allow me to pick and choose which branches come next. I wasn't cutting anything greater than 20mm. I used a small chainsaw for them. 


***   Do all the pruner brands have a thermal cutout mechanism? 

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