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Mowing lawn against Super 6 fence

Cultivating a Following

Mowing lawn against Super 6 fence

So my house has old asbestos super 6 fencing with lawn growing up against it, It is getting really annoying snipping against the fence wiith scissors as i dont want to hit the fence with the whipper snipper. Does anyone have any ideas on how to control it growing against the fence? I was going to concrete against the fence but the sprinklers are right there also. Thanks

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Mowing lawn against Super 6 fence

That sounds like a tricky problem @Gezza87. Glad to see that you are being very cautious though. I hope community members might have some suggestions for you. It might help if you could share a photo or two so members can see what you're working with.





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Re: Mowning lawn agains super 6 fence



Is removing the fence not an option at all? 


BTW, I hadn't heard of Super 6 before so Googled and found this helpful info -

Re: Mowning lawn agains super 6 fence

remove the grass at the edge and put in a garden bed raise or traditional.

Re: Mowning lawn agains super 6 fence

Thanks for joining the discussion @Pererocco. I'm sure @Gezza87 appreciates the suggestion.


Let me also extend a very warm welcome to the Workshop community. It's fantastic to have you join us. I hope you find plenty of inspiration and helpful advice from our community members. I'm also looking forward to reading about your projects and plans. Please post again soon.



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Cultivating a Following

Re: Mowning lawn agains super 6 fence

Thanks for the reply's @Kermit no removing is not an option as the neighbour says there is nothing wrong with it so it doesn't need to be replaced. @Pererocco I had thought of that but as my sprinklers are right on the fence line if I built a garden bed I would lose half of my sprinklers on the lawn.
Cultivating a Following

Re: Mowning lawn agains super 6 fence

Also thanks Jason I will try get some photos up tomorrow.
Making a Splash

Re: Mowning lawn agains super 6 fence

would it be an option to lay a border 6 inches out from the fence and the length of the fence,then fill that gap with pebbles ?that should not impede your watering system and to break up the pebble look a few choice succulents should do the trick.
cheers kel

Cultivating a Following

Re: Mowning lawn agains super 6 fence

Thanks @kel i really like this idea any idea what i could use for the border?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Mowning lawn agains super 6 fence



There are lots of garden edging options at Bunnings


We recently added some edging to the side of the house to separate the garden bed from the path. The garden bed is still a work in progress - we haven't planted it up yet, but we have finished the edging and the path. We used interlocking Oxy-Shield steel edging which has a decorative rust look.


Hope that's useful to you.






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