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Laying bluestone stepping stones

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Laying bluestone stepping stones

Hi all,


I plan on laying a number of 30mm thick bluestone steeping stone pavers (various round sizes) on a grass area. Is the process to remove the grass at the location of each stepping stone, lay some mortar then place and level each paver? If so, how thick should the mortar be and what type of mortar should be used?


Is there another method or is mortar the correct way to go?


Are there any recommended sealant I should also use?


Any insights appreciated.

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Community Manager

Re: Laying bluestone stepping stones

Hi @Alan__,


I completed a similar project using 30mm Bluestone rounds a few years back.  


The rounds I used were as long as 800mm so they were certainly big and heavy and not going anywhere. I don't believe there's any need for concrete in this application but you do obviously need to work to get them level. That's when paving sand is your friend. I first removed the turf, and sufficient dirt so I can easily mow over the top of them, then added the paving sand to ensure a stable base. 


You might also be interested in this project by @Kate23 - Bluestone rounds to replace lawn. Kate mentions that she did concrete hers in. I certainly would if I was using smaller pavers otherwise they would move. 


Hope that helps.




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Re: Laying bluestone stepping stones

Thanks @Jason ,


Very helpful.


I plan on using a mix of paver sizes varying from approx 500mm to 1200mm so may need to mortar some and not others. 


Would you recommend a particular sand i.e Brunnings Paver Sand  or something else.


Could you recommend a mortar for when we need to use that?


Thanks again for your help.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Laying bluestone stepping stones

Hi @Alan__ 


Thanks for sharing your question about laying blue pavers. The Brunnings 20kg Landscape Paver Sand should work very nicely with the pavers. I recommend using Australian Builders 20kg Sand And Cement Mix Bag to anchor the paver in place.


My best advice is to make sure to dig deep enough so the paver is at the same level as the soil.


Please make sure to wear personal protection such as gloves, goggles and a mask when working with the cement.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Re: Laying bluestone stepping stones

Thanks for the reply @EricL. Appreciated.


They may have been basic questions but best to use the right materials from the start :smile: 



Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Laying bluestone stepping stones

No questions are too basic or simple @Alan__. Feel free to post whenever you need a hand. We're here to help.


Looking forward to you sharing the end results.




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Re: Laying bluestone stepping stones

Hi Eric,

Thanks for your advice. I’m ready to lay the Tuscan Bluestone Steppers this weekend and would like to clarify whether  you mean using a dry or wet mix of the ‘Australian Builders 20kg Sand and Cement Mix’? Thanks again

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Laying bluestone stepping stones

Hi @Mella,


A warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community and thank you for your question.


I'd suggest that wet mixing the sand and cement will be better.


Wet mixing sand and cement will give you a much better hold and allow you to adjust your levels on the go. You're looking for it to be moist and clumpy, like damp beach sand. When you squeeze a handful, it should hold its shape but not ooze water.


Let me know what you think and if you have further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.




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