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Is this kikuyu in my backyard?

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Is this kikuyu in my backyard?

Hello,  I'm trying to figure out if the grass in my backyard appears to be Kikuyu, they do look similar but I'm no expert. Hoping someone could help me. 




I've taken photos of the runners, hopefully that makes it a little easier to spot. 

I have no idea what the previous owner/residents did with the yard, so I'd imagine the grass might've been naturally invading the garden.




On one side of the fence, appears to be one type of grass that grows taller and greener. It looks quite different from the other shorter patches posted above. This should be another type of grass ? 


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Is this kikuyu in my backyard?

Hello @perryloh 


I believe you have a mixture of Kikuyu and Couch lawn mixed in your garden. 


Kikuyu grass is a fast-growing, drought-tolerant warm-season lawn with bright green, medium-width, slightly tapered leaves that form a dense, carpet-like cover. Its creeping stems have a slightly hairy texture, allowing it to spread rapidly and recover well from damage. Ideal for high-traffic areas, it thrives in full sun and is budget-friendly, but it requires regular mowing to prevent it from becoming invasive.


Couch on the other hand is a fine-textured, fast-growing warm-season lawn known for its dense, soft, and lush appearance. It has thin, narrow leaves that are slightly pointed and grow tightly together, creating a smooth, even surface. Highly drought-tolerant and wear-resistant, it thrives in full sun but requires regular mowing and maintenance to stay tidy. 


Both Kikuyu and Couch grass can invade from another location due to their aggressive growth habits. They spread through underground rhizomes and above-ground stolons, allowing them to creep into garden beds, paths, or neighbouring properties. Kikuyu is particularly invasive and can be difficult to control once established. Couch grass, especially hybrid varieties, is less invasive but can still spread if not properly maintained. Regular edging, mowing, and barriers like garden edging can help keep them contained.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Getting Established

Re: Is this kikuyu in my backyard?

Thank you @EricL ! 

My yard has been half taken over by weeds and I'm hoping I'd be able to take advantage of kikuyu's invasiveness to fully cover up these sparse patches where there's either no grass spreading there or it's covered by weeds. You might be able to see from the photos above it appears I might have something like tuscan soil? Those are the patchy spots where the grass doesn't grow.Would I be right in taking a garden fork to get some holes in the rocky soil, maybe top up with some new healthy soil. Then embed some Kikuyu runners with it, water and hope it'll start to grow there?

I think I'd rather stick with Kikuyu, in which I would prefer to get rid of the couch grass. Would I start by using something like the Seasol organic weedkiller on that? 




Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Is this kikuyu in my backyard?

Hello @perryloh 


That sounds like an excellent plan. However, I would be very careful with using the weed killer making sure that you apply it only on the couch section. The rest of the steps you've mentioned should help the Kikuyu spread out. 


Please remember to wear personal protection such as gloves, goggles, and a mask spraying the weedkiller in your garden.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Getting Established

Re: Is this kikuyu in my backyard?

Hi @EricL 

Did you refer to this as the couch or Kikuyu ? 



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Is this kikuyu in my backyard?

Hi @perryloh,


That looks like Couch. The central stem is much smoother than the Kikuyu.


Have a look at this article from our supplier Lawn Solutions Australia, 5 Common Grass Varieties for some guidance on identifying them.


Let me know if you have any further questions.




Getting Established

Re: Is this kikuyu in my backyard?

Hi @JacobZ - Excellent, thanks for confirming this. I had a feeling it wasn't Kik as the stem looks too smooth to me,compared to the bamboo-shute like central stem of a kik. Someone suggested it was still a kik, because the grass was thriving in the area next to the fence(which it definitely is). Hence, the greener look 🤔 
Was just starting to get rid of this Couch grass from my yard, wanted to be sure :smile: 

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