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How to treat scale bugs on Pencil Pines?

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How to treat scale bugs on Pencil Pines?

AC80CA3D-01DC-4543-8308-079C388E3608.jpegHi all , I have these beautiful pencil pines that are growing great but I’ve found that these bugs on several of the branches - maybe scale bugs ? I’ve been using the botanical oil but the bugs keep coming back. Any thoughts on a non-toxic treatment option ? The trees were planted only 6 months ago so I don’t know want to stress them with toxic treatment. Thank you so much !

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to treat scale bugs on Pencil Pines?

Hello @Sal15 


Thanks for sharing your question about treating insects on your pencil pines. I suggest trying Yates 750ml Nature's Way Vegie And Herb Pest Spray. It's a soap-based spray for control of mites, aphids, thrips, mealybug and whitefly on fruit trees, vegetables, ornamentals and pot plants.


My best advice is to make sure to spray it all over the tree and under the branches. 


Please make sure to wear appropriate clothing along with personal protection such as gloves, goggles and a mask when using the spray.


Let me call on our experienced members @Noelle and @Adam_W for their recommendations.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: How to treat scale bugs on Pencil Pines?

Not scale - look more like a shield bug of some sort. Persistence will be the key to getting rid of them, which ever type of spray you use. An insecticide like pyrethrum (natural) would be effective.

Becoming a Leader

Re: How to treat scale bugs on Pencil Pines?

Once they start, scale can be difficult to get rid of.  Try an online search  for homemade sprays.  White oil, soap and chilli seems to work.  I would also contact your local Botanical Garden staff.  They know everything!  Good luck!

Getting Established

Re: How to treat scale bugs on Pencil Pines?

Thanks @Noelle, yes I can’t seem to find out exactly what these bugs are , but they do attract ants so I suspect they are getting some sap out of the branches?


I tried the Yates nature way veggie and herb soap based spray. That hasn’t been successful. I also tried botanical oil but no avail either.


The trees are about 1.5 meter tall each and were transplanted about 6 months ago. Will a pyrethrum based spray be okay in this situation? Can you recommend which product to use ?

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: How to treat scale bugs on Pencil Pines?

Hi @Sal15 

Any of the pyrethrum products available in Bunnings will do the job for you.

It is essential to thoroughly wet the pests - pyrethrum kills by direct contact.  Apply early in the day before pests become active for best results.

Because this kills only the pests hit, you may need to repeat spray every few days until you have reasonably good control of the population and the breeding cycle has been well and truly interrupted.

Good luck!

Becoming a Leader

Re: How to treat scale bugs on Pencil Pines?

HI @Sal15

Sorry for coming to this one a bit late. We might be able to help you if you can post a better photo of your pest. Modern phone cameras can take very detailed close-up photos. That will help. 

I am an old-school gardener. I'd be putting some gloves on and trying some old-fashioned physical removal. Get off as much as you can and dispose of them in a plastic bag in a bin. Then treat with some of the products that have been recommended above. BUT when you do have an advanced infestation like this it is going to be hard to control with an oil or soap spray. Bunnings sell a range of Pyrethrum sprays like this one: Yates 750ml Ready To Use Pyrethrum Insecticide - Bunnings Australia


Physical removal is a good place to start but if you are not inclined to do that you might want to try a synthetic chemical spray to control it. They won't harm your plants: Yates 1L Ready to Use Baythroid Advanced Garden Pest Insect Killer - Bunnings Australia


Good luck. 

The longer you leave it - the harder it will be to control. 

Getting Established

Re: How to treat scale bugs on Pencil Pines?


Thanks so much , I’ve tried to take a few close up photos. What do you think ?


I have no problem crushing them and have been doing that. 

I will use pyrethrum spray tomorrow morning. 


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to treat scale bugs on Pencil Pines?

Hi @Sal15,


Thanks for those additional images. There's a bit of distortion to them, so it makes identification difficult, but knowing exactly what the pest is doesn't really matter as the advice already given will control them.


I put my detective hat on and am relatively confident that the pest is Cinara tujafilina. It's a giant conifer aphid. The elongated legs, dark striations on its back and the habit of grouping in clusters are what give it away. They might even have two little dark horned nodules on their back. It took me a little while to land on what appeared to be the exact insect. Take a look at the image below and let me know what you think. 


Give the Pyrethrum a go, and it should knock them off.




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Getting Established

Re: How to treat scale bugs on Pencil Pines?

Gold Star Mitchell ! Those are definitely the pests on my trees. 

Thank you so much for your detective work and thanks to all for your help.


I did the first treatment today with pyrethrum. How often can I spray my trees without harming them ?

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