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Please find attached a couple of photos of my plum tree in my backyard.
with the onset of spring it flowered profusely and currently I can see some fruiting.
However it appears to have leaves curl.
Please advise.
Solved! See most helpful response
Hello @Ngnra
Thank you very much for sharing your question about the leaf curl on your plum tree. I suggest having a quick look at this discussion - Leaf Curl On Nectarine Tree by @iamtheroot. Leaf curl is often caused by a fungal infection and if left untreated will affect the buds of the tree as it grows.
As this fungus lays dormant during the winter season it's best to apply the sulphur and fungicide treatment before the buds come out next year. At this point in time, you can still apply the Yates 200ml Liquid Copper Fungicide as it will inhibit further fungal growth.
If you need further assistance, please let us know.
Please find attached a photo of my plume fruit tree which I took this morning. Last week I sprayed Yates Conquerer on it.
could you take a look and advise if it requires further spraying. It has been afflicted by pests since last season.
Plum tree
Plum tree
Plume tree
Good morning @Ngnra I tried to zoom in closer to have a look at the leaves on your plum tree, could I please ask when you get a chance to post a closer picture of the leaves ? It’s a bit hard to tell. It looks like leaf curl, a fungal infection that causes the leaves to blister. But I can’t see it properly. You would spray Yates Leaf Curl at the end of Winter as the leaves are starting bud and emerge . It’s too late to spray it now. I’m going to tag @Noelle into the conversation as I just want to get her expert opinion and advice 😃
AGree with @mich1972 , it is far too difficult to determine what is going on from your images. We need to see close-ups of the leaves and the symptoms they are exhibiting to be able to diagnose the problem.
Hello @Ngnra
Can you please post a photo of the leaves with interior opened up and the bottom of the leaf as well. Can you also please include a close up of the branches where the curling is very pronounced. This will help us determine how widespread the fungal infection is.
Thank you.
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