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How to treat Sir Walter Buffalo fungus?

Just Starting Out

How to treat Sir Walter Buffalo fungus?

  • 1000001255.jpg


 Can you identify and recommend a treatment for this fungus in a mix of mainly Sir Walter Buffalo lawn and some buffalo. Lawn needs to be de-thatched which will be done in spring though want to kill this first incase it spreads. Gold Coast area and has been quite wet

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Sir Walter Buffalo fungus

Hi @355VR,


Thank you for your question and welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, it is great to have you with us.


It's hard to tell the exact type of fungus that you're dealing with but it's possible that it is Southern Blight (Sclerotium rolfsii).


The best way to stop fungal growth in your lawn is to increase airflow by removing the thatch and aerating, so doing this in spring is a must.


In the meantime, you could use a general fungicide such as Yates 150g Mancozeb Plus Garden Fungicide And Miticide to treat the fungus.

Some of our knowledgeable gardeners might be able to assist further, @Noelle, @Jewelleryrescue, @homeinmelbourne.



Just Starting Out

Re: Sir Walter Buffalo fungus

Thanks for the reply Jacob. Will be de-thatched come spring.  I've been doing a bit more research and think it maybe dogs vomit slime mold. Will add another pic in the original post.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Sir Walter Buffalo fungus

Let me also extend a very warm welcome to the community @355VR. We trust you'll get loads of help and inspiration for all your projects around the house and garden.


You might find our guide How to dethatch your lawn helpful come Spring.




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