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How to set up an automatic irrigation system for watering?

Growing in Experience

How to set up an automatic irrigation system for watering?

Hi I’m an absolute Newbie at this and keen to do a DIY set up of an automatic irrigation system for watering grass,gardenBeds & Pots some on the deck. Will appreciate help from the community starting from absolute basics. This is for a new Build where the wooden deck goes in Next week and grab the following week. 



Growing in Experience

Re: How does an absolute Newbie set up an automatic irrigation system for watering grass,gardenBe...

Hi I had to postpone the project at that time and planning to install it now with certain changes. Not planning to install the pop up sprinklers any more, as the grass is already in. Planning to install sprinklers along the grass in the gardens and have sprinklers throwing water onto the grass. Can you suggest what kind of sprinklers can I use for the purpose, had attached a photo of the house before. 




Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How does an absolute Newbie set up an automatic irrigation system for watering grass,gardenBe...

Hi Karan (@KSB),


Depending on what size poly irrigation lines you use, you can use either the Holman 13mm Metal Spike Tee Sprinkler or Holman 19mm Metal Spike Tee Sprinkler. They are inline sprinklers, meaning they can be daisy-chained to run off a single irrigation line. 


You will also need to purchase Holman 1/2 Circle Metal Sprinkler Spray Heads for each sprinkler. There are also Full Circle Spray Sprinkler Heads if any area requires watering all around the location of the sprinkler.


Let me know what you think and if you have further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.




Growing in Experience

Re: How does an absolute Newbie set up an automatic irrigation system for watering grass,gardenBe...

Hi Jacob that’s copied thanx would that mean for a 10m length, 2 Holman 1/2 or full length sprinklers will do the job with a slight overlap? Also is it ok to have drip sprinklers attached to the same line for plants/trees? Also could you think of any other options besides the sprinklers you’ve recommend above that may not be as big and bulky so they can be concealed for aesthetic appeal?





Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How does an absolute Newbie set up an automatic irrigation system for watering grass,gardenBe...

Hi @KSB,


It depends on the depth as well as the width of the space. If it is along the footpath, then you would likely need at least 3. With 2 sprinklers operating at a 2.5m radius, there would be coverage laterally, but there would be sections in the corners and centre that would get missed.


Drippers will require you to use a Pressure Reducer to ensure they are not overloaded and burst. If they were on the same irrigation line as sprinklers, you would need to ensure that they are still receiving enough pressure to operate as they should. It is likely possible, but for simplicity's sake, I would just run a separate line for each.


The sprinklers I have linked to may appear bulky, but the spike will be buried in the ground, so they are likely not as bulky as you think. There are also these Pope Micro Eze Jet Half Circle Jet Sprayers, but they are similar in size.


Let me know what you think.




Growing in Experience

Re: How does an absolute Newbie set up an automatic irrigation system for watering grass,gardenBe...

Hi Jacob that’s copied the Holman sprinklers that you’ve recommended would they cover the entire area from where they’re installed until 2-3m or would there be blank zones under the spray. There are certain areas which are only about a meter wide that need to be sprayed what could you suggest for those areas? Also can you suggest how I can install the hose across a cemented walk path to spray along the road unless there’s something that you can suggest that’ll throw a spray across the cemented walk part onto the grass along the road? Not really sure how to cover that area of grass? Please see photo attached talking about the grass area between the red line and the road






Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How does an absolute Newbie set up an automatic irrigation system for watering grass,gardenBe...

Hi @KSB,


Can I ask for some dimensions of the area?


The plans from your original post give us an idea of the dimensions, but they are not perfect.


Can you perhaps draw the area like @TimGeo has in his post How to install a lawn irrigation system attached to recycled water?


Sprayers will spray the full area covered by their radius, so depending on the dimensions, you may be able to just run one line of sprayers to cover both sides of the footpath.


If not, you can always run a line beneath the footpath. You can use a hose or pressure cleaner alongside some electrical conduit to carve out a channel beneath the footpath for your irrigation line.


I'll have a good look at what we can do once I can see the dimensions.




Having an Impact

Re: How does an absolute Newbie set up an automatic irrigation system for watering grass,gardenBe...

hi @KSB 


Just a quick point here, just because the grass is down, it doesn't mean you can't use popups. they are less visible and just as easy to install as a sprinkler on a spike. Also it is easy to run the black flexible irrigation pipe through the lawn by simply pushing the spade into the ground through the grass and wiggling it back and forwards to make a mini trench. push the pipe into the trench and then just stamp the lawn back into place. A week or two later and you wont know it ever happened. The pipe doesn't have to be too deep as it isn't somewhere you are going to be digging! Just keep it in mind though if you decide to use an aerator.

Growing in Experience

Re: How does an absolute Newbie set up an automatic irrigation system for watering grass,gardenBe...

Hi Jacob PFA a diagram hopefully this will give a good idea. All the light blue line sections are 1/2m wide garden beds that need to be watered pretty much along the perimeter of the house and slightly bigger squarish ones on both sides of the main entry door.

The light green stripes are all grass areas that need to be watered. Have worn all dimension in light green as well hopefully they’re self explanatory. Brown lines are the wooden deck. The entire rear boundary of the house the 1/2m wide garden in light blue has griselinea hedge already planted. All other gardens are yet to get plants. Planning some citrus fruit trees as well along the side of the house marked with a magenta line. Have 3 taps on the outside marked with Red dots. All three run from the same main water line so The water pressure drops when 2 or 3 are running at the same time so will  have to be planned to run at different times. 







Growing in Experience

Re: How does an absolute Newbie set up an automatic irrigation system for watering grass,gardenBe...

Hey @R4addZ was considering pop up sprinklers but one reason was I thought they’ll be difficult to install which you’ve explained isn’t the case the other I was told by a couple of mates who have pop ups installed and say they end up getting damaged by the mower sooner or later. But might give it a second thought. 


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How does an absolute Newbie set up an automatic irrigation system for watering grass,gardenBe...

Hi @KSB,


It looks like three fairly obvious grass zones will connect to three different taps and then your garden beds in the blue. I would focus on the grass zones to start with.



Perhaps you should sketch a layout plan for your irrigation zones with the origin starting at the taps. If you are going to use pop-up sprinklers, keep in mind that you can have full, half and quarter sprayers for different circumstances and coverage.


Also, keep in mind that you can have more than one irrigation line coming from each tap to service the drippers in your garden beds.


A basic layout plan for your irrigation seems like the place to start.




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