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How to revive a hedge?

Just Starting Out

How to revive a hedge?

Hi all,


Newcomer to the community. 

We have purchased a property which has a hedge on the boundary which acts as a privacy screen and sound barrier.

Unfortunately it looks to be in a bad way. We are after any tips on how to bring it back to be thick and lush and how long the process will take.

Thanks in advance. 





Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Reviving a Hedge

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @MCW. It's wonderful to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about reviving a hedge.

Was there something there previously that overshadowed the lower portion? If leaves don't receive adequate sunlight, they will drop as they do not benefit the plant and only drain energy from it. Unfortunately, once this happens, energy is redirected to those areas with light, like the top of the plant. You could try trimming the top of the hedge back relatively hard to see if it forces budding back lower on the older growth. Unfortunately, it can be quite hard to get older wood to bud; there might not be much you can do about that. 


Presuming the plant hasn't been fertilised in a while, it would be worth doing so to ensure it has adequate nutrients.


You might like to consider installing screening along the lower portion to cover the bare areas and aid in privacy.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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Just Starting Out

Re: Reviving a Hedge

Thanks Mitchell. I'll try trimming it hard at the top first.

If this doesn't work and we decide to rip it out is there a particular hedge plant you recommend that is always green and we can purchase at an established height of 2-3metres. Thanks MCW

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Reviving a Hedge

Hello @MCW 


The tallest hedge plant I could find on the website is the 45L Lilly Pilly Resilience - Syzygium australe. It is measured to be at 1.5 meters when delivered to the store. Please note that this plant needs to be ordered at the special orders desk. 


The only other plant that I'm aware of that you can purchase tall are the 200mm Bamboo Willowy - Bambusa multiplex cv Willowy and 200mm Alphonse Karr - Bambusa multiplex cv "Alphonse Karr". They grow tall very fast even in store, but it all depends on what is currently in stock.


Let me call on our experienced members @Noelle and @mich1972 for their recommendations.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Finding My Feet

Re: How to revive a hedge?

I had a Murraya hedge that was frost damaged on a section that doesn’t see much winter sun and I applied Seasol and Powerfeed every week for a few weeks and it has come back beautifully.  Everyone told me to replace the damaged plants and I’m so glad I didn’t.  It won’t happen overnight and in my case it did take a few weeks but it was so worthwhile.

Good Luck!

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to revive a hedge?

Hi @Barshazz39,


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, it's fantastic to have another experienced gardener join the community.


If you have any questions or knowledge to impart, please feel free to ask away or jump in on any discussion you can add to. 


Allow me to tag @MCW so they are notified of your response.



Re: How to revive a hedge?

Thanks @JacobZ 

I’ll have to remember to tag…….oooops!

btw love this site! Great for ideas


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