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How to prune a tamarillo tree ?

Just Starting Out

How to prune a tamarillo tree ?

This is the second year that I have had my tamarillo tree and according to instructions from Mr Google, I have pruned it up approx 1m. It is looking good with several fruit on it but I now have 2 shoots growing from the bottom of the trunk. Should I leave these, prune them off, or leave them. Another alternative is to prune them off and plant them to give a continuation I suppose. Would that work?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to prune a tamarillo tree ?

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @Kerry75. It's amazing to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about Tamarillo trees.


You'll find Tamarillos are often grafted onto a growing stock. So, if there is an obvious calloused graft line at the base of the trunk and these shoots are coming from under that line, they are considered suckers and should be trimmed off and disposed of. From your description, it sounds like they could be suckers.


If you can upload a picture of the area where these shoots have appeared from the trunk, hopefully, I can let you know whether they should be kept or removed. Let me know if you need a hand posting an image.




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