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How to protect Nectarine fruit from possums?

Growing in Experience

How to protect Nectarine fruit from possums?

Hi Mitchelle,

I have two Nectarine Fruit Trees in my garden, which are fruiting. Last fortnight I found almost 25 to 30 fruits from the 1st tree was missing. Nothing was seen on the ground around the trunk of the tree. Hence, I presume the reason is Possum. Yesterday I found two branches of the 2nd Nectarine tree have lost thee fruits. 

Could you advise how to protect the fruits from the invader?

Thanks & Warm regards

Raju Y N  

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to protect Nectarine Fruits from Possum?

Hi @Raju,


I'm so sorry to hear that. It's always frustrating went a crop is devastated like that.


Ultimately, the best protection will be to throw a bird net over the whole tree and tie it off around the trunk or peg it to the ground. This will prevent the possums from climbing the tree or accessing the fruits.


You might like to read through this helpful guide: How to protect your plants from possums.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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