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How to install artificial grass?

Getting Established

How to install artificial grass?

Hello everyone,
My name is Tiffany and I truly hope I can get some insights and guidance from this community. I have just received the keys to my first ever house and I didn't realise how much work that needs to be done for the house to be actually complete.
Some might call me crazy but I truly wanted to attempt to install some artificial grass at my small backyard and the both sides of the house and perhaps adding little steps here and there.
I understand that we need to compact the sand but the current base is the yellow brickies sand (I hope I get this right) that comes with the lot & build. Picture for reference.
The queries are:
- what should go on top of the yellow sand?

- Should the yellow sand be compacted prior to adding infill sand?

- so does it go like: current yellow sand > infill sand > artificial grass ?

is this even possible for a couple with very little knowledge in landscaping to accomplish?
Thank you so much in advance.Backyard.jpg


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to install artificial grass?

Hello @rajag 


Let me tag @Tiffany33 to make them aware of your question. It would be interesting to find out if Tiffany33 has made any progress with this project.


If you need further assistance, please le me know.




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Getting Established

Re: How to install artificial grass?



Hi @EricL @rajag,

Apologies for the late reply. I had to wait for our landscaper to start with our front landscaping so I have an idea of what to do for our backyard. What I notice is that the landscaper had put more yellow sand, compacted it and then on top of that they added infill sand. So far they haven’t compacted the infill sand, I think they will do it sometime tomorrow. I believe the artificial grass will go directly on top of the infill sand just like the Bunnings article that tells us how to install artificial grass😊

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to install artificial grass?

Hello @Tiffany33 


Thank you so much for the update. It's good to see you've made progress regarding your artificial lawn. Please don't forget to post a photo update once the project is complete. I'm sure our members will be keen to see what it looks like.




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