Hello lovely crew! I received a grafted Black Sapote today that raised concerns, sadly limited information also matches online to suggest cause. I'm told this Sapote is aged between 1.5 - 2.5 years old and it appears quite odd; as if some bug is working it's way up the stem.
Would love to know how to identify cause if anyone has exposure previously? Appreciate your support!
Hello @Forrester
Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about your Black Sapote.
The black spots along the leaves and stem are a probable indicator of a fungal infection. I propose keeping the topsoil near the base of the tree be kept free and clear of debris. For the fungal infection itself, I suggest using Yates 200ml Liquid Copper Fungicide. It is a broad-spectrum fungicide, that is suitable for use on fruit, vegetables and ornamentals, for controlling leaf curl, leaf spots, blights, downy mildew and many more fungal diseases. For full coverage, please make sure to spray underneath the leaves as well.
I also suggest having a quick look at this guide - How to diagnose a sick plant by @Noelle.
Please make sure to wear personal protection such as gloves, goggles and a paint rated mask. Please make sure to follow all the safety guidelines printed at the back of the packaging.
If you need further assistance, please let us know.
Thanks Eric I have reviewed the link provided and applied the Copper Fungicide. I will update you if it removes the issue and feel this could be a seasonal bug that comes yearly. Ideally a permaculture or organic solution would be preferred over chemical based.
Kind Regards,
Hi @Forrester
Please keep us updated with your progress, we look forward to hearing if the copper fungicide is effective.
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