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How to get rid of bugs on citrus plants?

Finding My Feet

How to get rid of bugs on citrus plants?

Hi All,

I have a newly planted lime, lemon, & citrus tree plant. Along with the new leaf growth and limes, I have also noticed the following in various combinations on the citrus plants:-

1 Spefic bug hovering around the lime flower/fruit

2. Partially eaten leaves

3. Some sort of spider web


Please see attached photos. Thanks in advance for your time and efforts 20240105_145304.jpg 20240109_074415.jpg 20240109_074529.jpg 20240109_183445.jpg 20240109_194809.jpg

Most helpful
Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Citrus Tree bugs/diseases

Good morning @akhilgoswami the webbing looks like Spider Mites starting to move in. Treat them by spraying Yates Natursoap or Eco Neem Oil. Make sure to wear the appropriate protective gear when spraying and don’t spray in the heat of the day. The chewed leaves could be Grasshoppers possibly. I’m going to tag @Noelle to get her expert opinion. Spider mites you can’t see, it’s the webbing and the damage they cause , they rasp and suck and the leaves turn silvery grey/ yellowing. 

Re: Citrus Tree bugs/diseases

Thanks @mich1972 for the prompt response. Do you have any comments on the insects in one of the photos sitting on the lime flower/fruit?


Thanks heaps again.

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Citrus Tree bugs/diseases

@akhilgoswami Sorry I didn’t see that one. I’m not sure what insect it is, I will tag @Noelle and see if she may know. 

Re: Citrus Tree bugs/diseases

Hi @akhilgoswami 


The3 insect on the lime bud doesn't look like any citrus pest I know of - I'm inclined to think it is just a random insect that you managed to capture in your photo and nothing of any consequence to your tree.

Re: Citrus Tree bugs/diseases

Thanks @Noelle for your help and advise.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Citrus Tree bugs/diseases

Hello @akhilgoswami 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's wonderful to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about your citrus tree.


It's great that you've received excellent advice from @mich1972 and @Noelle. Just to add to the suggestions made, I recommend physical removal of any insect that you find lingering on your citrus tree. There is also the option of covering your tree with a Cyclone 4 x 4m x 7mm Backyard Farmer Crop Protection Net or similar to prevent further insect attacks.


This will at least give your citrus tree some time to mature and prevent it from being eaten by insects.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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