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I have a Tahitian Lime in pot for 4 years. Last year it had some blooms and they never fruited. How should I help this plant to fruiting again? I see other Tahitian limes next door, very small but with a lot of fruits in pots. I fertilize my one regularly with Yates citrus fertilizer and it does not have any pests.
Hi @Nabila,
Can you please link me to the exact product you're using to fertilise, as there are a few of them, and also let me know how regularly you apply that product? That will help us better understand whether it could be a lack of nutrients.
If your plant is producing adequate flowers but not turning into fruit, that's a good indication they are not being pollinated. Up on your balcony, there will be a limited number of bees and pollinators, though you state the one next door is fine. You could try hand pollinating by dabbing a flower on the other flowers.
However, if the flowers do pollinate and fruit begins to form and then falls off, that would be a different issue, possibly due to lack of nutrients.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Hi, thank you Mitchell for your swift response. I have added the fertilizer photo here just now. First time when it flowered, fruits begin to form and fall off automatically all of them. This time there is no flower. But the plant looks healthy. I use the fertilizer twice in a month as per instructions.
Hi @Nabila,
During flowering and fruiting you should be applying two capfuls every 1-2 weeks. At all other times of the year, you should be applying one capful every 1-2 weeks. You might like to up your fertilising to every week, instead of every two weeks.
It sounds like you might be underfertilising. You could also try Osmocote citrus slow-release fertiliser, which lasts up to 6 months with one application.
Hi @MitchellMc ,
Thank you. Will follow accordingly. But I have changed the potting mix this year in January and added slow release citrus fertilizer that time. Not anymore. I over fertilized that time. There is no flowers. I feel like it will never flower again.
Thanks for your help.
Hold off on that slow-release then @Nabila.
How many hours of direct sunlight does the plant get each day?
Hi @MitchellMc ,
Thank you for your help. Ok.
It gets direct sunlight from 12 to 4 pm (evening sunlight only). No morning sun in my balcony. But I do have other plants like Okra, jasmine, other flowers...blooming out everyday with flowers with only evening sun. Can it be the reason for not flowering the lime??
Hello @Nabila
The limited sunlight could be a factor, but since your other plants are flowering well, it's likely not the main issue. Tahitian limes prefer full sun (ideally 6+ hours), but they can still flower and fruit with a bit less. I can only surmise that it might be a pollination issue as you have provided enough nutrients to the plant. When was the last time you re-potted it with new soil?
Hi @EricL ,
Thank you very much for your help.
I repotted with fresh citrus soil this year in early January. One thing I can see now the pots have a lot of earth worms and the soil amount/level already reduced down a bit. I thought it's good for the soil. The plants actually looks very happy. But no sign of flowering. I have also added some homemade compost two weeks ago.
I appreciate your team help.
Hi @Nabila
Thanks for sharing that extra information in regards to the soil condition of your plant. At this point in time, I suggest moving your tree to a sunnier spot where it can receive early morning sunlight. You've provided it with enough nutrients and the soil is relatively new. I can only suggest waiting to see if any of your additions will encourage your lime tree to flower and bear fruit.
If you need further assistance, please let us know.
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