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How to completely remove bamboo from yard?

Finding My Feet

How to completely remove bamboo from yard?

I have cut down two of the bamboo clumps (I believe this is clumping bamboo) and cut down half of the other. I am applying Roundup on the leaves and new shoots. Is there a quicker way to rid myself of this's been planted adjacent to my swimming pool!IMG_1085.jpgIMG_1082.jpgIMG_1083.jpgIMG_1084.jpg

Re: How to completely remove bamboo from yard?

Hiya, do you know what ratio of blackberry killer to water or kero to use? I have just cut down clumps and put 20ml to 1 litre of water. Not sure if that is enough, will know in a couple of days I suppose? Thank you. 

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Community Manager

Re: How to completely remove bamboo from yard?

Hi @oakesash,


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. We're really pleased to have you join us and look forward to reading about all your projects and plans for around the house and garden.


The ever-knowledgeable @Noelle recommended earlier in this discussion to mix up a solution of one part glyphosate to six parts water. 


What product did you use and did you follow the directions on the label?




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Re: How to completely remove bamboo from yard?

I used the Yates Blackberry & Tree killer - it has a number of different options for directions and ratios dependent on plant, but there is no mention of bamboo. However I have been advised by many, including this forum, that this product is excellent to eradicate bamboo. I used one of the recommendations,  which was 20mls with water. But there are other stronger dilutions suggested using water or kerosene etc.


Thanks, Jason. 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to completely remove bamboo from yard?

Hello @oakesash 


I've been looking at the Yates website regarding the mixture of Tree and Blackberry killer and water/kerosene and could only find the following below. You are correct that there are no references to Bamboo. As an alternative to chemical means of killing the root, I also suggest using a Cyclone 1650 x 25mm Hex Fencing Bar to break up the root of the bamboo tree. It will take a while but at least you'll be able to take immediate action and any possible leftovers can be poisoned off. 


Below are the mixing ratios as suggested by Yates: 


  • Blackberries, Camphor Laurel Seedlings (Up to 3m Tall), English Broom (Prior to Pod Formation), Fennel (1-2m Tall)
    Rate - 20mL per 1L water
  • Woody Weeds Including Eucalyptus (Except Dawson Gum) and Wattle Seedlings and Suckers, Australian Blackthorn, Camphor Laurel, Castor Oil Paint, Chinese Apple, Groundsel Bush, Lantana, Tea Tree, Tree of Heaven, Rubber Vine
    Rate - 100mL per 500mL kerosene
    Rate - 10mL per 1L water
  • Commonly Prickly Pear
    Rate - 360mL per 1L water
  • Wattle, Groundsel Bush, Gorse
    Rate - 20-40mL per 1L of water
  • Sweet Briar, African Boxthorn
    Rate - 400ml / 1L of kerosene
  • Olive
    Rate - 200-400mL per 500mL kerosene
  • Privet
    Rate - 100mL per 100mL kerosene


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Re: How to completely remove bamboo from yard?

Hi there, and yes I totally agree.
The tree & blackberry product I have used quite a lot to rid my home garden & yard of more intrusive plants, especially plants like Bamboo, ivy vines and shrub shoots. I also add some kerosene to my mix of tree poison because I was told by a retired arborist friend that it helps carry and absorb the tree poison much quicker through the unwanted plant. Sometime I will drill into the plant or it’s roots if exposed and pour the mixture into the holes over a couple of days…Generally I see changes within the 2-3 days of drooling leaves and stem dryness…👍👋


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to completely remove bamboo from yard?

Hi @RMPHandyman,


A warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, it is fantastic to have you with us.


It is always great to get a variety of opinions so our readers can make informed decisions, so please continue to share any information or opinions that you have.


Thank you for sharing your experiences. 




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