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My wife fancied us doing a version of this upcycled garden tool gate for our side return...
Inevitably actual construction is somewhat more complex and I'm still not used to the local selection of timber etc coming over from the UK so could do with some help please - once I've got materials sorted I'm happy with all the carpentry fun. Anticipating slight issues making sure the gate doesn't slump under the weight of tools at 1.5m wide in our scenario (might end up needing a diagonal reinforcement one side).
I've knocked up a quick sketchup model with the dimensions etc (actual tools will vary, but cloned for the sketch)
My starter questions! -
1) I've assumed doing 2 metal posts would be better for longevity than wood, so modelled 2 Australian Handyman Supplies 75 x 75mm x 2.4m Galvanised Steel Fence Post - is this a good idea, and if so, what's the best approach to doing rails for the palings and gate hinges to attach to? I can find a tutorial for wood fence posts notching in, but not much on doing it with steel fence posts... maybe I'm mix and matching approaches too much.
2) Palings wise for the sides I've assumed 75 x 16mm 1.8m Fence Paling H3 Treated Pine Batten Wet but recommendations welcome
3) For fence railings and the gate frame I'd slightly randomly picked 75 x 38mm 4.8m Fence Rail H3 Treated Pine Wet Sawn but any more logical pick for either welcome.
Hello @kitfriendesq
Please keep us updated with your progress, we look forward to seeing your gate finished and ready for use.
If you need further assistance, please let us know,
Evening @kitfriendesq
Half way there is half way there! If you could see how I sidestep projects, think of things to add to projects, see something else or even start other projects you would probarly go "ahhhh so we all do that"
Its part of the process, I find I do that when there is something I am a little unsure of with what I am doing. Once I push myself I start to enjoy myself again but man its scary. Cant wait to see you continue your project !
After a slight delay progress has recommenced above my new upcycled steps! This was the dry fit before taking everything down again to paint.
There’s predictably a little bit of sag without a diagonal but as it’s occasional use only I’ll leave as is for now I reckon and see how it goes.
That looks sensational, and you have certainly nailed the brief on that one, @kitfriendesq. I trust you and your wife are exceptionally pleased with how this turned out.
Many thanks for the update, and well done!
Morning @kitfriendesq
That looks great! Best part it really matches what you described at the start!
If you decide you need a diagonal brace down the track, you could use a piece of fencing wire so you dont block teh effort you have gone to
All you need is a doggo behind it having a gander through it
And yes I think this would look great put together as a project!
Thanks @Dave-1 definitely agree the wire diagonal approach is very practical. Once the initial build is done I'll probably do that anyway tbh - feels like a good pre-emptive measure! Just waiting for the paint to dry now 😂
A (possibly final) update now with the paint sorted! Very pleased with how it looks.
Evening @kitfriendesq
That gate makes me smile every time I see it It looks great painted.
So next question... What is the next project you have in mind!
We’ve been asking the same question @Dave-1!
- my wife’s incoming cactys garden probably needs a brick wall built, so I can probably usefully improve my mediocre bricklaying skills I started for our pizza oven project
- we do need a carport but I think I might outsource that one
- my son’s been asking for a second level to his treehouse for ages (most fun candidate 😆)
Afternoon @kitfriendesq
Option 1 or 2 from a kids standpoint.... We use to hoon down my grandmas back path and try totake the right angled corner...... and never make it but end up in Grandmas cactus garden 9 times out of ten... then the black ointment would come out lol So yes This would be good to brick up!
Tree houses are FUN, I built so many when I was a teenager, right down to a drawbridge out to the tree (only acess to the tree was via the drawbridge)
Another one that would be the top of the list It taught me a bunch of stuff about cantilevers and support weights..... If it could support bodies then it was safe... Push sisters out on it first...
hahahha well almost, I did go first and then got them to step out afterwards!
Looking forward to seing which one you choose first!
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