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How to build a wooden-framed catrun?

Just Starting Out

How to build a wooden-framed catrun?

Hey everyone!


I'm looking at building an outdoor cat run and wanting to build a wooden frame to net. Just wondering if anyone has suggestions for the best type of wood to buy for something like this at bunnings.



Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Re: How to build a wooden-framed catrun?

Hi @DanteL,


This sounds like a really fun project! What kind of cat do you have? Our resident DIY guru @EricL will be online later today and will definitely be able to give some suggestions as he has previously built this Cat Tower. You should check out this article by community member @ShannonIndoor to Outdoor Cat Tower where he creates a great escape for his feline friend. Our members love pet photos so please send some our way on your journey to building your cat run. 




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Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to build a wooden-framed catrun?

Hello @DanteL


I suggest using Merbau decking panel as the base for your cat run. It all depends on how big you want the run to be, I recommend measuring your cat's length, width and height. I suggest adding 50mm to each measurement so that the cat has room to move while in the run. In order to save on materials, I propose using wire mesh, bending it into a square tunnel and mounting it to the timber base. I've placed an image below to give you an idea of how to build it.


The wire mesh can be attached to the decking panel with heavy-duty staples to prevent the cat from pushing the mesh loose. If you are putting the cat run down on the ground, I suggest putting bricks underneath so that the timber is not in direct contact with the soil. 


If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.





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