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How many bags required to cover 7.5 sq metres with Tuscan Path 20-80mm 15kg Natural Stone Mix?

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How many bags required to cover 7.5 sq metres with Tuscan Path 20-80mm 15kg Natural Stone Mix?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How many bags required to cover 7.5 sq metres with Tuscan Path 20-80mm 15kg Natural Stone Mix?

Hello @GregTsoi 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about the Tuscan Path Natural Stone Mix.


To estimate how many bags of Tuscan Path 20-80mm Natural Stone Mix (15kg bags) you need to cover 7.5 square meters, it depends on the desired depth of coverage.

A general guide for decorative stones is:


  • 30mm depth: ~50kg per m²
  • 50mm depth: ~75kg per m²
  • 70mm depth: ~100kg per m²

    If you want a 50mm depth, you'd need approximately: 7.5m² × 75kg/m² = 562.5kg

Since each bag is 15kg, the total number of bags required is: 562.5 ÷ 15 = 37.5 bags. Rounding up, you’d need at least 38 bags to ensure full coverage at 50mm depth. If you prefer a thicker layer, you might need more.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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