Finding My Feet

How do I repair this lawn?

Hi All

First timer here. Please be gentle. I recently finished renovating my home and the lawn was all dug up because they had to lay drainage, plus all the trades needed to drive on the lawn and park for about 6 months. 

Finally a landscaper gave me a quote to restore lawn and said I needed to top dress. He put on all this sand and told me to wait till it's warmer but all that's happened is that weeds keep popping up. I am wondering should I sow grass seeds? Which variety? Need I use round up first to kill off weeds?

I live in a flood zone in Epping if it helps? 


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How do I repair this lawn?

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @wwwqi. It's great to have you join us and many thanks for your questions.


I would start with a clean slate and apply a weed killer to the area removing all the weeds and grasses present. 


Here's a couple of helpful step-by-step videos on How to grow lawn from seed and How to lay instant turf which I trust you'll find of assistance in this process. 


You might be interested in reading this discussion How to improve your lawn this Spring which has some useful information within it.


Please let me know if you need further assistance or had any questions.




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Re: How do I repair this lawn?

Thanks Mitchell.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: How do I repair this lawn?

Hi @wwwqi,


Hope you are staying safe and well.


Just checking in to see how you are going with your backyard lawn repair project? Please let us know if you need anything further. We're here to help.




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Finding My Feet

Re: How do I repair this lawn?

Hi Jason


I'm good thanks, hope you're the same.

I've removed the weeds after applying weedkiller.

Went and bought Munns Professional new lawns and patch repair fast grow couch seeds from Bunnings.

Have sown grass seeds and covered with lawn soil for a part of the lawn.

Have tried to keep it moist. It's been almost one week. Still haven't seen anything pop up yet.

I have also bought a hand tiller to loosen up the soil in the other part of the lawn as the sand layer seems a bit hard.


I guess it's wait and see?





Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How do I repair this lawn?


Hi @wwwqi,


Grass seed can take between a week and a month to germinate depending on conditions. Make sure you don't let the soil completely dry out and misting the area twice a day will be adequate.


We look forward to seeing your results once the lawn has started establishing and please let us know if you require further assistance.




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